👌King mermen x Bakugou x babies👌

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No one's POV

Bakugou had just finished some shopping for his mom and was walking along the ocean side when he suddenly he slipped into the ocean before he could get his arms to grab on to some thing he started going further into the ocean bakugou couldn't hold his

Breath anymore so he opened his mouth inhaling the water he than saw his world getting black as he passed out after bakugou passed out he was falling when suddenly a mermen caught him and smelt him before his tail wagged happily he than started

Dragging bakugou to his den he than put bakugou on his crystal bed and started taking off his clothes as the mermen thought bakugou was uncomfortable with them on after the mermen finished taking off bakugou's clothes he than stared at bakugou's body

Slowly becoming more happy by the minute he than kissed bakugou so bakugou could breathe under water like him and than turned bakugou over so he was now laying on his stomach the mermen than started touching all over bakugou's body until

He found bakugou's hole he took out his length knowing it was not a normal size as it was to big to be one and he than started pushing it into bakugou's hole filling it up with his length he heard a groan come from bakugou but paid it no mind suddenly bakugou started

Getting up making the mermen's whole length go into bakugou it took bakugou a moment to realize what was happening when he felt his lower bottom starting to hurt more than when he woke up bakugou than screamed as he felt the mermen start to thrust into

Him hard bakugou couldn't meet his thurst's as they were to fast for him minutes later bakugou was becoming a big mess as his mind stopped processing what was happening to him being overwhelmed with nothing but pleasure from the mermen and

Bakugou has drool dropping from his mouth as his eyes keep rolling back every time he cums the mermen saw this and became more pleased to know that his mate was enjoying himself so he than did one more thurst but it was a big one unlike the others

This time he came real deep into bakugou's hole making bakugou pass out with all the pleasure he was getting from this the mermen than started forceing his eggs into bakugou making sure bakugou takes them all not leaving any out. Bakugou wakes up from

all the pain of some thing pushing into his anus bakugou starts to try to escape only for his lower half to be to weak for him to lift up so he gives up and tries begging and pleading for him to stop and for him not to do this "stop struggling and sleep love" the mermen

Says to him bakugou suddenly stops struggling and freezes after hearing the mermen's beautiful voice bakugou than starts to feel sleepy after hearing the merman's command to him closes his eyes letting the darkness over take him while the mermen keeps

Putting eggs into him hours past while the merman finishes putting all of his eggs into bakugou he than makes sure his load is ready as he cums one more time before making sure that nothing will come out he than hugs bakugou and makes sure his tail

Is rapped around his mate before he sleeps cuddling his mate while they sleep the next morning the mermen gets up first and leaves his mate with a scale of himself so his mate doesn't get lonely he than leaves so he can get his mate some food to eat

The mermen than comes back and sets the food down and goes to his make waking him up so he can eat bakugou slowly lifts his head after being woken up by the mermen bakugou feels heavy weight coming from his stomach so he looks down thinking that it was

All a dream that the mermen raped him and impregnated him with his eggs but when Bakugou looked at his bloated belly he instantly knew it wasn't. Bakugou froze not know what to do know bakugou started to cry a tear coming down his face before the

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