😜The vampire's Ninshin-chū No Tsuma part 1😜

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No one's pov

Katsuki slammed his hand on his father's desk in angry you see katsuki had just been told that he was engaged to haikai the only vampire in the world there were a lot of quirks but only one vampire in the world this haikai is known as cold and uncaring

So why in the hell would katsuki want to marry him?!? Anyway katsuki glared down at his parents "how could you guys make me get engaged with out talking to me first!?!" Katsuki yelled at his parents in angry while giving them the hardest glare he could

Manage. Mitsuki glared back at him with the same glare "we didn't and still don't need your permission!!" Mitsuki yelled back at him marasu looked between them than sighed "katsuki we needed this for our business" marasu said which made katsuki

Even madder . "that's not the point you guys didn't talk to me first is what does matter!?!" Katsuki yells at them marasu looks down in shame while mitsuki yells back "it was for our business!! Brat! We needed another business partner!" Mitsuki yells at katsuki

"So you promised my life to him!?!" Katsuki yells "it doesn't matter anymore!?! It already happened so get over it!!!" Mitsuki yelled "no! It doesn't matter when it comes to me!? But when it comes to you than every thing seems to matter!! Fine than be that way!!"

Katsuki yells as he runs to his room and locks the door. The next thing he knows is that he hears hanging on his door "katsuki you're gonna meet him tomorrow!" Mitsuki yelled at him "no no I'm not!!" Katsuki yelled back "yes you will if you want to stay in

UA you will you hear me I'll take you out of UA!!!" Mitsuki yelled mad "fine!" Katsuki yelled back back Katsuki actually liked UA so why would he give it up? Katsuki does his night routine before going to bed seeing as it was 8:30 pm

Time skip to the next morning brought to you by me writing this at 6:08 am

Katsuki got woken up by his mom banging on the door so he opened to see his mom while his brain was kinda asleep still
There stood his mom with her hands on her hips "katsuki wake up! You're gonna have to meet haikai-san at moonstone "

His mother said katsuki to tired and sleepy just nodded his head and went back in his room and locked the door again before he stated doing his morning routine before putting on formal wear
(Aka a black suit I might show you guys! At the bottom)

Katsuki than went out of his room to the kitchen and made him self a smoothie he starts to drink a few minutes later after he finished the smoothie his mother and father came in "katsuki the driver will take you to moonstone the just ask for haikai-san"

Katsuki nods then goes to the driver and gets in his car before buckling his seatbelt (like Dora said "so we could be safe!")
The driver starts driving to moonstone while katsuki listens to music with his head phones

(Moonstone is a famous restaurant in the world and not everyone can get in so yeah pretty famous! Well in this book back to the story!)

A few minutes later they made it to moonstone so katsuki got out
When a person came up to him and wrispered in his ear " are you bakugou katsuki?" The man asked katsuki nodded his head "come with me haikai-san is waiting for you" the man said katsuki than followed the man into a room their the man knocked before entering once he went in the room he bowed without looking up

"Mr president bakugou katsuki is here I will and prepare the wine" the man said katsuki sooo his head "I don't drink wine I'm still a minor" katsuki said "than bring him a special water" haikai said the man nodded than left leaving katsuki standing there

"...what is the special water?" Katsuki asked him with out making eye contact "doesn't matter you'll still drink it now sit down" haikai said katsuki than sat far from him minutes later the man came back and put the 'special water' down in front of katsuki while a glass of red wine got set in front of haikai

Katsuki just stared at the glass of water he was really thirsty but he didn't know what was in the 'special water' 'fuck it' katsuki thought to himself as he downed the liquid all in one go because it couldn't be poison right!? The next second he felt himself get dizzy

It felt like he blacked out but could still feel his body moving (being drunk go brr!) Every noise seemed drowned out the next thing you know katsuki felt him self being carried but by who???

Time skip to the next morning

Katsuki woke up he looked around at the unfamiliar room he was in so he jumped up only to brought back down by his sore body
'The hell why's my body sore? Did I sleep in the wrong position'
Katsuki thought he than looked down at his body to see red marks

'Did I get bit by bugs? While I was sleep' katsuki thought to himself than he looked at the red marks closer 'wait- wait- wait! A-are these hickeys!?!' Katsuki began to panic before he took a deep breath and looked under the covers "ahhh! What the hell happened!!!?!!?" Katsuki yelled he buck naaked under the covers with hickeys littered all over his skin and his belly a little

Bigger than usual he could see it being pushed out a little 'and what the hell is wrong with my stomach!?' Katsuki than looked around 'but who did I-" that's when he saw haikai sleeping on the bed naked or what he presumed naked as he could only see his upper body (go ahead and have a closer look I bet he won't mind)

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