Physical Touch

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-yoongi pov-

"why are you sulking?"

hobi really has a nerve to ask that fucking question, he doesn't even pat my head yet

"nothing just pat my head" I whispered to myself not hoping hobi heard it so I don't give him an idea I like physical touch but only him tho not others can touch me.

silly hobi, JUST PAT MY HEAD

"what? I didn't hear you?" hobi asks now I am sulking more that he didn't know what I am meaning to say.

Isn't telepathy enough? I thought we are soulmates? Do i really have to say it? fuck

"Pat my head like you did days ago" I finally answered louder this time.

"But you said 'don't pat my head hobi I don't like it'. I am just obeying you."

he really believed that?

"well I am telling you to pat my head"I stubbornly answered, I am freaking impatient that I walked to him and sit in front of him.

"now pat my head" I took his hands in my head signaling to just do it.

"I knew it, you liked it don't you? just admit that your love language is physical touch. You didn't really think that I wouldn't notice you glancing at my hands? You think that I wouldn't notice that you always want me to hug you? Because I, Jung Hoseok also known as Min yoongi's boyfriend will always knows everything"

"Even if you didn't know or almost forgot that my birthday was in March 9 and not March 14? You didn't know that my dog is a male? and didn't know that I always love you from the start but you're just oblivious and didn't notice?" I looked at him sarcastically that sometime make me laugh about these memories, saying he knows everything but missed some other details?

he's lucky he's cute when looking so confused

" Oh Come on, we moved on from that. I really didn't mean to. I just thought that you liked my brother that's why you approched me in the first place and hey it's your fault that you named your dog Holly when he is a male! You're lucky I love you" hobi pouted and whined from the previous memories that led us being boyfriends. I just want to kiss that pout away.

"Stop pouting, its too... cute" I blushed and pecked him. I really need to get out of yoongi being shy phase it hurts my ego.

"Awww yoonie yoonie hyung is blushing how cute!!!" he said while squishing my cheeks I just let him do that because i liked it.

"Now pat my head you brat"

-ㅅ- "Ok ok now stop sulking. I love you yoonie hyung" he said while patting me head finally after all those conversation but i like it ok?

"I love you too hobi" I said while hugging him and letting him play with my hair while burying my face to his neck.

I love his smell.

"By the way, You're prettier than your brother that's why I approched you. Your brother sometimes is a pain in the ass to deal with. Say to your brother that he's a pain in the ass that I couldn't resist his stupidness."

"Now stop bad mouthing Seokjin hyung like that he's still your friend before you found me. Just relax while I am playing with your hair, so soft."

Ugh he's just so cute I just want him to put in my pocket calling it a fun-sized sunshine that I can carry everywhere

"Fine" I said while kissing his pretty neck

"Yoongi stop or I will not play with your hair anymore and pat your head anymore"


-the end-

(finally we have some fluffㅜㅜ. this one is kinda short but full of fluff. this is your break from readibg those sad ones and you deserve some fluff sope right there. btw fun fact the one with holly i was at fault for that, i really thought holly was a girl because his name is holly. and yes 2seok are brothers but some people prefer jin because he's handsome and all of that stuff, leaving hoseok being left out but don't worry seokjin in here is not that brat, he loves his brother that he punched someone calling him a horse ans ugly. BOTH OF THEM should be called handsome. Ok so its almost 3:30 am have a nice day or night please interact with the oneshots so i feel motivated. THANK YOUUUU❤<3

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