Chapter 3

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Once again, I know this chapter took forever, I've been ill the last few days so thought I should make the most of it. On the plus side, I got my first tattoo! Anyway, no apologies for not posting, because I had no ideas, but on with the chapter xxx

3rd person pov

Caspian walked through the forest, ferns brushing against his legs and hands as he walked, suddenly he paused. "I can hear you." He deadpanned, as Trufflehunter and Nikabrik came out of hiding behind him. "I think we should just wait for the kings and queens," Trufflehunter told him as the Prince just kept walking. 

"Fine! Go then!" Trufflehunter shouted exasperated, "See if the others will be as understanding." Clearly the Narnian was worried about the Telmarine prince, whereas his companion seemed almost eager. "Or maybe I'll come with you. I want to see you explain things to the minotaurs." Nikabrik almost cackled. Caspian stopped in his tracks.

"Minotaurs... they're real?" The young prince asked, clearly rather startled at the idea of hulking half bulls. "And very bad tempered," The badger mentioned, continuing to walk behind Caspian, his disgruntled friend at his side who responded, "Yeah, not to mention big." 

"Huge." Trufflehunter added. Caspian seemed to have stopped moving forward in order to learn more about the Narnians and their territory where he found himself. "What about Centaurs? Do they still exist?" He asked, eyes almost sparkling with curiosity. Trufflehunter looked at him with reasoning, "Well, the Centaurs will probably fight on your side. But there's no telling what the others will do." The badger was very obviously worried for the Telmarine, he was only a teenager after all. 

"What about Aslan?" The boy asked. Nikabrik and Trufflehunter stopped in their tracks and looked in shock at one another. The dwarf asked the Telmarine, "How do you know so much about us?" He seemed repulsed that he was even acknowledging the boy, let alone having a conversation with him, but he did want to know. Caspian responded that he had been told stories about Narnia and its inhabitants.

Trufflehunter seemed awfully confused, "Wait a minute... Your father told you stories about Narnia?" Why would a Telmarine tell their child stories about the place they invaded and people they massacred. "No," The boy answered, "My professor..." It was quiet for a while, Caspian thinking of his dear professor. "Listen, I'm sorry. These are not the kind of questions you should be asking." The prince then walked away, leaving the Narnians behind him.

Trufflehunter suddenly lifted his nose into the air, "What is it?" Nikabrik asked, concerned. "Human." The badger answered swiftly. 

"Him?" Nikabrik shot a glance and a head nod at Caspian, who had wandered off and wasn't paying attention to his new companions. 

"No. Them!" Trufflehunter cried, staring at the oncoming Telmarine soldiers that were approaching fast, even on foot. One of the soldiers spotted the Narnians and more importantly, the runaway prince who they had been ordered to hunt down like a prized hog. "There they are!" The soldiers picked up their pace, gaining on the Narnians and the prince. 

They run as quickly as they can, but the arrows flying past them are sharp and faster, Trufflehunter falls, causing his friend to look back in fear and worry. Nikabrik tries to run back to the badger, only for Caspian to beat him to it. Truffle hunter tries to give him the horn, pushing it towards him urgently. "Take it, go! It's more important than I am!"

The Telmarines stop and take aim when the ferns begin to rustle behind them and the solders fall, one after the other. Caspian looks on the scene in confusion, but quickly grabs Trufflehunter, hauling him up and running. More soldiers continue to fall as whatever beast was hiding in the long grass began pursuing them as well. Caspian reaches Nikabrik and quickly sets Trufflehunter down in front of him. "Get him out of here." 

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