Chapter 7

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So sorry this came out so late again, once again, I never promise an update, or at least I try not to unless I'm on a roll and know for a fact I'm going to get it out when I say I will! Now, I know there are only a few people that probably read these and I'm very grateful to those that do, I'm trying my hardest with this story, but it's difficult with how little I enjoyed the second film, I think the first book I wrote is light-years better than this one! But I'm working to try and finish this as quick as I can so I can get into the next one! Thank you to those that read this note, on with the chapter!

Third Person pov

Lucy and (y/n) sat solemnly on the Stone Table, Lucy fiddling with her cordial and (y/n) running her fingers through the flames surrounding the mural of herself and her father. (y/n) had never felt so uneasy and she didn't think it was because of the mild war going on in the Telmarine territory, she was beginning to think it was something... different...

As she was going to start looking around the How for something that could be making her senses go haywire, Peter and Caspian return, followed by the other Pevensie siblings and the rest of the army, or rather, what was left of them. Lucy stood urgent, "What happened?" She asked, taking the words out of the mouth of her sister-in-law. Peter was almost steaming from the ears, furious.

"Ask him," He demanded, pointing at Caspian, who seemed equally as angry.

Susan tried to intervene, only to be cut off, Caspian getting more and more upset. "Me? You could have called it off, there was still time! You could have listened to me in the first place, or (y/n)!" He shouted, seeming jaded to have been passed the blame. 

At the mention of (y/n)'s name, Peter turned to look at her, getting angrier at the sigh she released. "No, there wasn't thanks to you! If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now! (y/n) didn't know exactly what was going to happen or that you would screw up!" 

Caspian couldn't let it go, "And if you'd just stayed here, like we said, they definitely would be!" 

The boys kept arguing backwards and forwards, passing blame and standing up for whoever they could. Until Caspian had had enough, shouting and drawing his sword, Peter drawing his and instigating a fight. 

"Stop it!" Edmund bellowed. 

It seems nobody had noticed an injured Glenstorm carried in an almost dead Trumpkin. (y/n) gasped, she and Lucy running over to him, (y/n) cradled the dwarf's head in her lap, tilting his head so Lucy could use her cordial. The two girls sighed in relief, seeing Trumpkin's eyes open. "What are you all standing around for? The Telmarines will be here soon enough."

(y/n) laughed through tear-filled eyes, the dwarf smiling back at her, "Thank you, my dear little friends." A tear dropped from (y/n)'s cheek and onto the dwarf's, a sudden rush filling his body with energy, the tear glowing before drying to his skin.

Time Skip~

Caspian looked around at the carvings of the Pevensies and the Phoenix at Aslan's How, reading through the stories of their accomplishments told through imagery, seeing how Narnians were once a thriving and powerful species, conquering neighbouring kingdoms and defeating all foes with no problems.

He believed that, by blowing the horn, he was going to be helping people, or maybe he just wanted to save himself. He thought the great Kings and Queens of Old were going to be what their stories told of. To start off, he really did believe they would be older, that they would be more mature. He certainly didn't think he would be constantly butting heads with King Peter the Magnificent.

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