Chapter 5

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Two updates within how long!? Apparently I am not the author you know! Perhaps I was replaced by a more productive alien pod? Either way, hope you enjoy the chapter! Xxx

Finding Caspian

The morning air is quiet, the fire had died out long ago but was still crackling as though there were roaring flames, of course that may have had something to do with the living heat pack that three out of four of the Pevensies were snuggled into. (y/n) lay against the chest of her sweetheart, who had his arms still wrapped tightly around her, his face buried in her neck, the two breathing gently in restful slumber. 

Laying against the High Queen's back and thighs, were Susan and Lucy Pevensie, trying their best to stay close to the warmth their sister in law was emitting. But the youngest's prophetic sleep was ended by the sound of a twig snapping. Opening her bleary eyes to the still dark morning, she sat up, looking to her family, including Peter, who was furthest away from the pileup they had caused. 

Looking to her left, she saw Susan still sleeping soundly, beginning to whisper, "Susan, get up!" Desperate to tell someone of the dream she had just had, wanting someone to go with her. "Certainly Lu, whatever you like." Her sister mumbled, before rolling over and continuing to sleep. The small girl let out a small huff, before standing and walking away from the campsite and towards the woods.

Strolling towards the trees, she placed a gentle hand against the bark, "Wake up," She whispered, hoping the trees would listen and begin dancing like they had all those years ago, like they had in her dream. When nothing happened, she removed her hand and kept walking, only pausing when she heard a growl. "Aslan?" She asks the silent forest, she continued her walk, not realising someone sneaking up behind her until they had a hand over her mouth. 

Obviously startled, Lucy turned to look over her shoulder, instantly relaxing when she saw her eldest brother Peter, signalling her to be quiet. The two siblings look over to the source of the growl, to see a large hulking minotaur close by, Lucy's eyes widened slightly, the shock only increasing when a blurred figure appeared from nowhere to begin attacking the king.

The two continue, slashing at each other, swords clashing against one another, until Peter swung his sword and missed, lodging it in the tree behind the new intruder, unwittingly waking a certain (h/c) haired girl who spoke for the trees. The fight kept up its intensity, Peter got kicked by the newcomer, falling to his knees, quickly recovering, he grabbed a rock and began to charge, the newcomer picking up his opponent's sword.

"No!" A voice cried from behind the frightened Lucy, whipping around, the three saw (y/n) standing barefoot in the grass, looking on at the scene in fear and concern. The fighting ceases almost immediately, the Pevensies look around as Narnians of all kinds begin to circle them, murmuring under their breath at the arrival of the legendary queen.

"Is that-"
"I think it is-"
"Highest Queen (y/n)?"

Peter looked at his recent foe, pitch black hair, dark eyes, tall, and looking at him with a ferocious intensity. "Prince Caspian?" He asked cautiously, no longer holding a hefty rock. The boy in front of him looked even more untrusting of the king, "Yes. And who are you?" He asked maliciously. Rustling from the bushes nearby began to overtake their conversation, three more figures rushing in from the brush.

"Peter!" A female voice called in worry, followed by a deeper, male voice shouting, "(y/n)!" Two humans and a Dwarf came into view, Susan sprinting to her other siblings, whilst Edmund ran towards (y/n), immediately pulling her close, muttering words in her ear. "Don't do that again, if you're going to run off and do things at least tell me about it," He chuckled, squeezing her. 

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