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I forcefully grab Jordan by his collar pulling him towards me.

"You did this to me !" I explain breathing hard.

"Ok Y/N, just a few one more push and baby number one will be here." the doctor tells me.

"You got this baby." Jordan whispers in my ear holding onto my hand.

I start breathing heavier as I get ready to push.
I let out a scream as I push as hard as I can not stopping until I hear crying.

I collapse onto the bed breathing heavy.

"It's a boy." Jordan tells me with a big smile on his face and tears in his eyes.
I reach out for my baby smiling, but before I can grab him, I'm hit with another wave of pain causing me to scream out.

"Ok, ok baby number two is making their way." The doctor informs us. "It's time for you to start pushing Y/N"

I sit up a little more and push with all of my might.

once the baby is out I collapse against the bed again.
"It's a girl!" The doctor exclaims.

Jordan kisses me on my sweaty forehead while moving my hair out of my face. "You did so good baby."

After the baby's are clean and wrapped in blankets, they hand them to us.

I look down at my beautiful baby girl and she's the most gorgeous thing I've ever see .

I suddenly hear walking and voices, then our families pile into the room.

"Oh my gosh" Spencer and olivia exclaim at the same time.

"What are their names?" Ms. Baker asks smiling widely.

"This little girls name is jaiden olivia baker." I say smiling at them all.
Olivia looks at me with tears in her eyes.

We all turn towards Jordan waiting for him to tell us the name he picked out for our son.

" Ian Spencer baker" Jordan says smiling at Spencer.

" I can't believe they're here." Spencer says staring at jaiden.

"I'm holding them first!" Billy calls out while raising his hand making everyone else groan while Jordan and i laugh.


This was just a little family blurb since you guys like the family imagines so much. sorry I haven't posted, my life has been hectic and I've been having a bad case of writers block lol. but thank you guys so much for 6K reads !!! That's so insane and I can't thank you guys enough <3

But I will try to post more. Until next time.


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