Chapter 14

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A/N: Thank you for 2.3k reads. I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever. Happy Summer! Edit: I started writing this right after summer (last year, 2021) started, therefore the happy summer above. I never finished writing this and publishing this chapter until January 8th 2022.

Gilly's POV

It's midnight before I head back to my dorm with Jax, most of my friends had already headed back to their rooms. Jax is holding my hand and when we reach the door to my room he says "I forgot my password, but I do hope I'm heard." 

The door disappears and I start into my room but Jax stops me, he leans in a kisses my check. "See you tomorrow thief." He says and turns down the hallway. I stand there surprised, very surprised. 

I walk into our dorm and prepare for bed. Brushing my teeth, washing my face, slipping into PJ's, and laying down in bed. As I reach over to turn off the lamp on my nightstand Kayla bursts into the room. "Pillow fight!" she yells, picking up a pillow off her bed and throwing it at AG's sleeping figure.

AG jumps up, startled. She looks around the room before her eyes land on Kayla. Kayla has another pillow in her hand and is aiming it at me. AG picks up her pillow and throws it at Kayla knocking the fairy off balance so she lands on her bed with a little "Oof."

I quickly scoop up a pillow determined to not be defenseless. Holding it in front of me, it blocks the incoming pillow from AG. I throw my pillow towards AG and it hits her square in the chest. At this point Kayla is back up and she has a stockpile of ammo on her bed. Kayla throws a pillow at me but I catch it before it can hit me. 

AG's got two pillows, I'm stuck with one and Kayla's got three. I hold mine like a shield as Kayla and AG form a truce and launch pillows at me. I giggle and swat at the incoming pillows with mine. Soon the girls run out of pillows and run over to my bed to grab some.

I attempt to hit them with my pillow and soon it is a full on Pillow War. Before long we all collapse in heaps of giggles on my bed. At least one of the pillows laying on the floor has the pillows beaten out of it. There are feathers stuck in everyone's hair and AG is the first to notice. "Um, Gilly, I think you have a little something in your hair."

I reach a hand up and feel something. I grab it and pull it put of my hair, it's a feather. By now both girls are giggling and I point out, "You both have feathers in your hair." AG reaches up and starts to pull her feathers out and Kayla shakes her head, a mini snowstorm of feathers come raining down.

We all shake our heads and feathers end up everywhere but in our hair. There's a knock on the door and I quickly rush over to the door. I open it and Maxine, Hayley, and Jocelyn are waiting outside. "Sleepover!" AG appears at my side. 

The three girls squeeze inside my room with blankets and pillows. We all pile the pillows on the floor and lay the blankets down. We all sit down and stay up late telling ghost stories, giggling like teenage girls, and trying their best not to fall asleep. 

Devin's POV

The party lasted awhile, and it was dinner time before all of the kids left. The only people in the room are Sahsa, Riana, Heath, Logan, and Tessa. We all wave as Liam and Petey left. Sasha flops on my bed and Riana sits down beside. 

I picked up a mini cupcake off Tessa's desk and ate the whole thing in two bites. Dusting the crumbs off my fingers I sit down and grab my trashcan. I start picking up cupcake wrappers off the floor and plop them in my trashcan. 

Heath stands on the tips of his toes and pulls streamers down from the ceiling. All six of us work together and have the room spotless in no time. I sit on my bed exhausted and bid my friends goodbye as they stream out the door. 

Tessa is the only one left in the room as I pull out a scroll and pen. Tessa groans, "Are you seriously doing homework?" I shake my head, "I'm writing a letter to Anastasia and Demetris." As I start to write Erin curls up beside me.

Dear Anastasia,
I hope all is well back home. Has Demetris' wing healed well. I know it probably isn't fully healed but I am hoping she is feeling better. I also hope you haven't been kept to busy in my absence. I have had a good time here at Fairy Tale Reform School. I have made new friends and I have a pet hedgehog named E
rinaceus, but I call her Erin. Please tell Demetris not to be jealous. It's real nice here and I'm thinking about trying to ride a Pegasus.
~ With all my love, Devin

I sign the scroll and roll it up, mentally telling myself to send it off later. I remember the homework Professor Wolfington assigned us to do. I start to write a letter to my mom but before I can finish, a yawn makes it way out of my mouth. I put my scrolls and pens away before changing into sleeping clothes.

Slipping into bed and pulling the covers over me, I roll over and turn off the lamp beside my bed. "Night, Tessa." I say before closing my eyes.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter. Not sure how many more chapters I can type today. I think I'm almost done with the story. Thank you for sticking with me and putting up with my absence. I am going through the other chapters now and correcting grammar and spelling mistakes. This chapter is 1006 words. Bye and thanks again for all the reads, you all are truly the best.

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