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Taehyung watched as Namjoon struggled to put up the plates in the cabinets.

"Hyung?" Taehyung whispers when he comes behind the counter that was in the kitchen. Namjoon sighs and sets the stack plates on the marble counter and turns around. His eyes was red and puffy, Taehyung knew he been crying from some time.

Kim Namjoon never cried over plates.

Bora did though.

Bora was Namjoon third personality, she was only 5 so Namjoon had a child mindset during this time. It was harder for her to be pushed back because she never came out often.

Bora was the younger sister Taehyung never had, when she did come out Taehyung would play with her. They will dress up or play dolls Taehyung had in his room just for her. He even let her do his hair which he sometimes regret but for bora? It was worth seeing a smile on her face.

"Aw bora what's the matter sweetie?" Taehyung voice was soft making bora sniffle whipping her nose.

"I-I can't put the plates up." Namjoon voice was higher then normal, Taehyung smiles and walks over to Namjoon grabbing the plates from behind them. He moves some of the big plates aside and puts them on top then puts the rest of the plates on it.

"Just ask for help sweetie okay?" He mumbles and bora simply nods.

It's been a couple of weeks since the kiss accident and Namjoon been a little nervous.  He haven't seen brown haired male or the black haired male in a while.

'Maybe he don't  wanna see me?' Namjoon thought while whipping down the counters. Taehyung left hours ago saying Jimin wanted to go to the movies. It's been a minute since him and Jimin hung out.

Alone Namjoon might add.

The bell on the door making Namjoon head go up. His eyes widen when he sees the figure standing in the door way.

Jungkook hat covers his forehead, he's wearing a white hoodie with black ripped skinny jeans. He had on black combat boots that was laced up tight.

"Hi.." Jungkook spoke first, his voice raspy then Namjoon could remember.

It's sexy though

Namjoon blushes at this though and waves, his smile bight showing off his dimples.

"Hi." It was simple showing off his deep voice, raspy as well. He lips they felt dry. Why was he so nervous?

"M-My names Jeon Jungkook I'm 21." Jungkook eyes look everywhere but at Namjoon. He thought it was cute, adorable even.

"Kim Namjoon." He sticks his hand out when Jungkook comes closer. Jungkook soft hand shakes Namjoon rough ones. They felt so tiny compared to Namjoon's big ones.

"Why you here actually.." Namjoon ask after a moment of silence. Jungkook didn't know, actually he been walking after he seen the ducks in the pond. It just hit 7 at night when he stood next to the cafe. He was debating whether or not to come in after he seen Namjoon cleaning up, not seeing the other guy with him he took the shot.

"I saw you was in here by yourself." Jungkook mumbles and Namjoon nods. He goes in the back for a second and comes back with a cup.

"You seem thirsty, so I though of giving you a cup of chocolate milk since I don't never see you drinking water." Namjoon says and he hands jungkook the cup. The black haired male nods and takes a sip.

"Thank you." He says and sits it down on the corner. At this point Namjoon sets a chair down so he could sit, they been standing up for some time just talking. It was the first time Jungkook looks in someone's else, not feeling nervous at all. He felt good.

I love a boy with asperger syndrome {Jungkook} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now