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Namjoon was nervous.

More nervous then telling his dad he was gay, more nervous then when he had to cheat on that state board test. The more he got to Jimin front door the more his palm started to sweat.

'It's not gonna be that bad Namjoon.' Mina, his second personality said in his head. Namjoon kinda rolls his eyes not really trying to talk to her but then another voice comes through.

'Noona he doesn't wanna talk right now.' Minwoo comes through, you might be thinking, was this a normal thing?


Through out Namjoon childhood he had a hard time keeping his thoughts to himself, instead of saying or disagreeing in his head he'll say it out loud.

Which would lead him into trouble at times, but it wasn't his fault, no it wasn't like he could help it.

So a few years later he started to learn how to keep it in, how to say something in his head so his thoughts could hear it.

Most of the time his personality's would be fighting right now.

Namjoon stops in front of Jimin black door, he wipes his the palm of his hands on his blue jeans, sighing he brings his hand too the door knocking twice.

Footsteps his heard on the other side of the door, a little 'hold on' is heard then the unlocking of the door. The door swings open standing there is Jimin.

He currently had on a baby blue sweater and black skin tight basketball shorts. His pale shoulder on display as he pulls it up. His hair is now black as he move sit out his eyes. He had on two sliver earrings as well.

He moves back leaving space for Namjoon to walk in, Namjoon steps inside and walks in the living room letting Jimin shut the door behind him.


"It's all about connections." Yoongi says with a mouth full of chicken strips. Hoseok shakes his head at the older and drinks the rest of his water. They are out with Seokjin and Jungkook, it was currently Hoseok and Seokjin day off that they decided to go out for dinner this evening.

They was currently debating on what could get easier and none dirty money in life which Seokjin responded with stripping and Yoongi said being a hitman.

"But why an hitman out of all things Yoongi?" Seokjin asked after giving Jungkook an napkin. Yoongi shrugs and takes another bite of food that was on his plate. Through out the whole dinner it was calm, they had fun with joking, laughing. It been years since Jungkook had actually smiled.

He was getting better with opening up more, with emotions. He also been taken up on drawing classes.

He was happy at last.

Namjoon smiled as Jungkook cuddled closer to him. It was currently 1 in the morning, they was at Namjoon house under his covers watching a Disney movie.

Finding Nemo was the movie Jungkook picked when he got here. As for right now his dark brown doe eyes glued to the tv. Every now and then would he ask a question, or kiss Namjoon hand.

"Kook?" Namjoon's voice was raspy when he spoke. Jungkook let's out a little 'hm?'.

"Do you think we'll get married and by a house, and have like 2 children running around." The question brought Jungkook out of his thoughts.

Did he want to get married to him?

Jungkook knew he wanted to be with Namjoon forever, he knew he wanted to live with him, he knew he wanted kids in the future. He just never thought Namjoon wanted to marry him, to call him his.

I love a boy with asperger syndrome {Jungkook} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now