the library

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As soon as I got home after work I kicked off my boots, dumped my bag down and flopped onto the sofa in exhaustion. The past few weeks I had been working extra hours at my job, extra hours that could have been spent reading!

Just as I began to reach for a book off of my coffee table a price of paper was slipped through the mailbox. Usually they would be just advertisements but it was quarter past eleven in the evening, an unusual time to be delivering thing, so my curiosity flared and compelled me to find out what it was.

I pulled myself off the sofa and went over to the doormat where a dull grey piece of paper lay reading:

Woodland Library

22 Enchantmant Road, Teddington, Middlesex. TW12 8QS

Welcome to our kingdom of books, we have an epic selection of stories to keep you reading!

Open 24/7

I immediately smiled at the thought of a library, I hadn't ever heard of Enchantment Road before let alone Woodland library!
Without hesitation I pulled back on my boots, picked up my bag and left the house still clutching the piece of paper in my hand.

Wind was blowing forcefully, my blonde hair was blowing all over the place obstructing my vision. The grip I had on the piece of paper had loosened and one strong blow of wind later it had flown away and began tumbling away.

Frantically I started running after the paper, street after street it didn't stop until finally the wind settled and the paper stopped right outside an entrance to what looked like a forest.

Continue wandering around looking for a mysterious library which may or may not exist or follow a path through a strange forest that most likely will end in me being physically and mentally traumatised? Okay maybe I was over being the stupidly curious person I was I went in.

The woods were dimly lit by streaks of moonlight pouring through the tall trees. My hands were wrapped round myself clutching onto the sides of my coat. The path was only faint and I managed to stray from it a few times but eventually I made it out and was met with a large building with arced, stained glass windows and big wooden doors.

I stared at the magnificent building in awe, through the windows I could see the distorted image of bookshelves lined with books. I felt my fingers becoming numb but I just couldn't stop staring.

"Come in dear! You'll freeze if you stand out there any longer." A feminine voice startled me out of my trance. My gaze travelled to the doors where an elderly woman stood peaking out. I smiled widely before striding up to the doors and going in.

I was awe struck as soon as I entered, thousands of books were scattered everywhere and the musty smell of old books hung in the air. The librarian walked off behind the counter whilst I browsed the shelves. I looked up in amazement, the staircase circled the walls all the way up to the fourth floor and long velvety curtains hung from the windows.

After an agonising journey up four flights of stairs (this place is beautiful but would it kill to get a lift?) I made it to the third section of the teen fiction section where I picked up The Maze Runner.

I settled down in a corner between the adult fiction section and the children's books (which are a rather inconvenient pairing if I say so myself) and began reading.

Once I was at the thirteen chapter the librarian came up to me and sat down on the chair beside me.
"The Maze Runner, eh?" She began "That book is one of my favourites, wouldn't you just love to be a part of it?"
I smiled at the thought of being in the glade, coming up in the box without any memory of your former life or the disaster of the world around you, getting tested by a group of scientists and in constant fear of being attacked by mechanical least Newt and Minho would be there, hey?

"Yeah, it would be great" I replied smiling at her.
"It's late, I'll make you some tea you must be parched." She said strolling away behind a bookshelf. I continued reading before she returned with a small cup of blue-ish liquid.
"Drink up, dear." She said before, once again, striding away. I hesitantly drank the entire cup and soon enough I began to feel drowsy and eventually, despite my attempt to fight it, drifted off into a sleep.


I groaned as I lifted my head off the cold metal flood I was laying on. I wasn't sure where I was... The last thing I remembered was I was at the library.

Sounds of whirring and bashing clattered around me and the floor was constantly shaking. Beginning to panic, I cowered into one of the corners and lifted my knees up to my chest.

After what seemed like a lifetime the sounds and the shaking suddenly stopped. A loud bash later light flooded the space, nervously I lifted my head up to be faced with around a dozen male faces staring down at me. That's when I realised it...

                                                                           I was in the Glade.

Part Of The Book *The Maze Runner*Where stories live. Discover now