problems for wicked

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Chancellor Paige came rushing into the room trying to look as professional as possible on the outside, but on the inside the was panicking. A lot.

"Could some one please explain what's going on? Now." She demanded to the line of scientists frantically attempting to make themselves look respectful in from of the chancellor. Thomas and Teresa glanced at each other nervously.

"It seems" Thomas began swallowing the lump in his throat " Seems that someone...a girl has appeared in the glade." Ava looked speechless for a second, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before her expression quickly turned to anger.

"A girl?! You imbeciles let a stranger who hasn't had a medical check, hasn't had her memory swiped and is a girl into group A?" She exclaimed throwing her arms in the air in frustration.

Never in the three years that Chancellor Paige had been monitoring the maze trials had someone managed to get through the guards and into the Maze, despite a lot of people who didn't believe that 'WICKED is good' trying to.

"Well, we didn't exactly let her in...she didn't break in either" Teresa spoke this time "There is no footage of a break in or anyone entering the Box on the security cameras. She just arrived!"

The chancellor paused and thought about this for a moment. In the entire time she had been working at WICKED everyone thought that the Flare could be cured by research and science, but not once did she think the Flare might be something more...something that science couldn't explain. For the first time since the solar flares hit Earth, Ava Paige was scared.

"She doesn't seem to be disrupting things too much, she seems almost as if her memory has been swiped. The Gladers are currently having a gathering to discuss things, if anything we have more time to prepare until Thomas gets sent into the Maze and Teresa might not even have to be sent in at all now!" Another unknown scientist who was monitoring group A spoke up.

"Is that so? Well good. Get back to work then" Ava confirmed, still with a slightly nervous tone before striding out of the room, shutting the door behind her. The group of scientist quickly went back to work monitoring the subjects...

Part Of The Book *The Maze Runner*Where stories live. Discover now