Chapter 11: (friendly phone call)

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(Sebastian's POV)

The chat I had with Sam and Abigail lasted for about half an hour. And because of it, I ended up with more questions in my head than answers. "Why did Y/n think I was dating Abi? And why did Sam and Abi act weird whenever I brought up Y/n in the conversation? It's not like she and I would ever date... Right?" I thought to myself while leaning against a tree. "Why would she wanna date someone like me? She seems to have her whole life figured out... While I just... Live in my mom's basement, and sulk all day." I said to myself before covering my face with my hands.

(Your POV)

The next morning, you lay in your bed, thinking. "Yesterday was so weird... I mean, not much weirder than all the other stuff that's happened around here, but... Still..." You say as you sit up.

"Well, now I've learned one thing. Seb and Abigail aren't dating. But why do I care? It's not like he'd ever wanna date me... Right? There are a lot of cute girls in town, so why would he choose me? Heck, What if he's not even straight? I mean... Sam is kinda cute, so maybe Seb would- I AM OVERTHINKING THIS!" You say, putting your hands on your face. You then pick up your phone to call someone. After it rings for a few seconds, you hear a quiet "Hello?"

You then say back, without thinking "Hey, are you straight?" You then slam your hand onto your mouth, and muffle "I am SO sorry! I didn't mean to start the conversation with that! I've had a lot on my mind and-" You didn't get to finish what you were saying before Sebastian interrupted. "Um... Uh... Well... That's quite a way to greet someone." He said in a joking tone. "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" You whined in an overly dramatic tone. "I- it's ok. Sometimes things just slip." Sebastian said reassuringly.

(Sebastian's POV)

"Well, yesterday... Happened." I thought to myself as I slowly sat up from my bed. After sitting there, doing nothing for a few seconds, I heard my phone ring, and picked it up. "Hello?" I said to whoever was on the other line. "Hey, are you straight?" The other voice, that I found out to be Y/n, said. "Excuse me?!" I thought, now thrown for a loop, after only getting up a few seconds ago, and then hearing that. That wasn't the last of it though, as Y/n started saying something with a muffled voice. "I am SO sorry! I didn't mean to start the conversation with that! I've had a lot on my mind and-" She said before I interrupted. "Um... Uh... Well... That's quite a way to greet someone." I said, trying to lighten the mood a little. It didn't work. How do I know this? Well, because the next thing she did was yell directly into my ear. "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" To be honest, it sounded more like crying, but I wasn't sure at that point. "Ow. For the love of Yoba, this girl can get loud." I thought before saying "I- it's ok. Sometimes things just slip." as reassuring as I could, still trying to calm her down a little. She then said back, in a very quiet voice "I... I'm really sorry... Um... Like I said before, there's been... A lot I've been thinking about, and... I just... Of all the people I could have called so early in the morning, I don't know... Why it had to be you..." She sounded like she was getting choked up the more she talked. To be honest, It was getting kinda difficult to listen to. "Hey. It's ok. Calm down, and... Maybe just tell me why you called me in the first place." I said. "I'm not gonna lie... I have no idea. My mind was just kinda on autopilot, and... Well, it just sorta happened." Y/n said with a sigh.

(Your POV)

You felt like you just wanted to hang up the phone, and scream. You just randomly started a conversation with one of your closest friends, by asking about his sexuality, which was none of your business. You then flopped onto your bed with your phone still close to your ear, and said sarcastically. "I wanna commit sudoku." You then heard Sebastian laugh, and say "I'd ask if that was auto correct, but we're not texting... Which just makes what you said sound even weirder." "I know... Um... Can we just... Start this conversation over?" You ask. "Sure." Sebastian starts before clearing his throat and continuing. "Hey, Y/n! You'd never guess what happened earlier. Someone called me just to ask about my sexuality. How weird is that?" You snort a little louder than you would have liked after hearing that. "Sebastian!" You yell with a laugh, and hear him trying not to laugh on the other end of the phone. "Sorry. Hehe. What's up?" He asks. "Oh, nothing. Just questioning my choice in friends." You say with a laugh.

The two of you spend the rest of the day chatting on the phone. You were having too much fun to keep track of the time.

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