Chapter 8: (Butt why?)

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You woke up the next day, feeling better than you have in a long time. Sure, there was still this weird feeling in your chest, but it was no longer pain. It just... Felt weird.

After doing some stuff around the farm, you decided to check out the community center. You haven't been there for a while, so you figured you'd go to see how things are going.

As you walked to the community center, you happened to chat with people you ran into along the way. Ever since what happened last night, you noticed that they weren't giving you weird looks anymore. In fact, most of them seemed to act like the whole problem with Sebastian didn't even happen. At one point, you even happened to bump into Sam and Abi. The three of you decided to chat for a bit, until you noticed that they would occasionally give smug looks to each other whenever Seb happened to be brought up in the conversation. Which, he did quite a bit, since you told them that he was helping you with the community center. "So, did you two have fun at the dance of the moonlight jellies?" Abi said in a smug tone. "Um... Yeah? I mean, that green jellyfish looked kinda cool." You answered awkwardly. "Y'know, we saw him walking you home, right?" Sam asked, tilting his head a little. "It was dark. He didn't want me walking home alone... In the dark." You once again, answered awkwardly. "Since when does he care about people walking home alo-" Sam didn't get to finish his question, since Abi elbowed him in the chest and whispered "Don't push it." "Uh... Maybe he had a change of heart...?" You say in an annoyed tone before starting to walk away from the two, and toward the community center.

As you got there, opened the door, and walked inside, you noticed that no one else was there, so you just decided to walk around for a bit. As you walked, you noticed that some of the rooms looked... Clean. New even. As if time did nothing to them. After a bit of walking around, you hear a loud thud, as if something big just fell from a high place. "AAAHHH!" You scream, close your eyes tight, and cover your head with your hands. That was a thing you always seemed to do when you were scared, even if you didn't actually think something was gonna hurt you. It was just a reflex. You then hear someone run into the room you're in and yell "Who screamed?! What's going on?!" At this point, the anxiety kicked in a little too hard, and you didn't dare to look at whoever was yelling, until you felt two hands on your shoulders. You slowly open your eyes to see a familiar black hoodie. You then looked up to see the person wearing the hoodie, looking just as terrified as you were. "Sorry if I scared you. Are you ok?" He asked with an awkward smile. "Wait... That loud thud was you?!" You asked with concern all over your face. "Yeah. I was... Uh... Helping the junimos with something and... Accidentally... Fell... Off a stool... Luckily, I didn't hit my head or anything. I just kinda landed on my butt. But apparently I fell hard enough to scare someone. So... Sorry about that." Seb said as the awkward smile on his face seemed to get bigger, and his face started turning red. "Eh, I'm over it now. You're just lucky you have a big butt." You say before slapping yourself in the mouth, after realising that something stupid came out of it once again. You then turn to face a wall, and then lean against it, still covering your mouth, and thinking "Why do I say things? And of all the things I could have said... WHY THAT?!" You then turn back around to look at Seb, only to see that the look of shock just wouldn't leave his bright red face. He then clears his throat and says "So, do you enjoy looking at my butt, or...?" while trying not to laugh. "NO! NONONONONONONO...! No. Why would you even assume that?!" You said while frantically waving your hands back and forth.

(Sebastian's POV)

After what happened last night, I woke up in a surprisingly good mood. Not great, by any means, but... Better than usual. And after I walk out of the dark hole in the ground that I call my bedroom, my mom immediately takes notice of my change in mood. "You seem happy today! What's up?" She asks. "Not much. I was just planning to head over to the community center." I said while heading toward the door. "You've been going there a lot lately. What's going on?" She asks again. "It's nothing. I'm just... Helping someone with something." I say before walking outside and shutting the door behind me. "I don't think anyone else is supposed to know why I'm going there." I whisper to myself as I walk down the trail that leads to the town.

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