Chapter 7:(Forgiven)

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(Time skip)

You haven't been away from the farm for about a month. You just couldn't bring yourself to leave. You still did your work around the farm, but you didn't go into town unless it was to pick up some seeds, and you definitely didn't go near the community center. You knew how fast rumors spread in this town, and you could only imagine what was being talked about after what happened with Sebastian.

After moping around for a bit, you decided to go outside to check your mail. You saw one letter that stuck out to you. It mentioned something about the dance of the moonlight jellies. You thought about going to see that, but you didn't want to risk having to talk to anyone.

After thinking for a bit, you decided that you'll go, and just not talk. "Well, I guess I have something to look forward to tonight." You said as you got ready to do some work around the farm.

(Time skip)

After getting all of your work done, you noticed that it was getting late, so you decided to start heading to the beach. While you were walking to the beach, you thought about what you were gonna do there. "Just don't talk to anyone, and just watch the jellies, and everything should be fine..." You said to yourself as you walked. When you got there, you noticed that some people were giving you some weird looks, but you just ignored them and kept walking. When you got to the dock, you sat down by Willy's Fish Shop, hoping that you could at least have a little fun here.

As you sat, you decided to glance over at another part of the dock. There, you saw Sam, Seb, and Abi, just chatting and having a good time. As they talked, Sam happened to notice you staring at them, and waved. You noticed you were staring at them, and quickly looked away, giving Sam a small wave just to be nice. A few seconds after that, you heard footsteps heading in your direction. "Oh boy..." You sighed quietly as you looked behind you to see who it was, and not so surprisingly... It was Sam. "Hey, farmer girl." he said as he sat down next to you. "What do you want, Sam...?" You asked in a quiet, annoyed tone. "Well, I was just gonna ask if you wanted to join me and the others to watch the moonlight jellies. It's less fun when you're all alone." Sam said with a smile. "Why would you want me to join you after what I did?" You asked while pulling your legs up to your chest. "Huh...? Oh! You mean the thing with Seb, don't you? I'd ask why you're still upset about that after like, a month or so, but Seb hasn't really forgotten about it either." After hearing that, your heart sank. "I really upset him that bad?" You thought as you continued to watch the water. "Man, the amount of times he's complained to me about that. Heh. He seemed to be really upset whenever he'd talk about the time that he hurt you at the community center. He kept saying that he didn't think he grabbed your hand hard enough to cause pain, but I guess he was wrong." Sam said. "Oh no... He thinks that he actually hurt me by grabbing my hand like that. He didn't know that I meant that he-" you stopped thinking when Sam put his hand on your shoulder. "So, I take it that's a no on watching the jellies with us?" He said with an awkward smile. After thinking for a second, you said "No no. I'll go with you, but... Things might be a little awkward." "When are things not awkward with you?" Sam said with a chuckle. You then roll your eyes and say "Ok. You got me there." before getting up and walking to where Seb and Abi were. "Hey, Y/n! Where were you all this time? We were worried about you." Abigail said. "I've just been... Hanging around the farm." You answered awkwardly as you sat at the edge of the dock. "Ok! We're ready to send the boats out!" The mayor yelled right before the boats that had lanterns in them started floating out to sea. As it got darker, you heard someone walk next to you and sit down. It was too dark to see who it was, so you just decided to be quiet and leave them be. As the jellies got closer, and started to light things up, you decided to look at the person sitting next to you. You almost fell off the dock when you saw who it was. As you were clinging to the side of the dock, you heard Abi snort before both she and Sam both started quietly laughing. Your butt was hanging off the dock, but somehow, you were able to hang on, and not fall into the water. "For the love of Yoba, I did not mean to have that reaction." You said as Sebastian gave you a weird look, and said "Uh... Need a hand?" You just looked at him for a second before saying "No. Just sacrifice me to the jellies." You could see that Sebastian was trying not to laugh as he went to grab your hand to pull you up. But he froze when he was just about to grab you. He quickly went from smiling, to looking worried. "What?" You asked, looking confused. "I- ... Is it ok if I...?" He started asking something but didn't finish. "Huh?" You said back, even more confused than before, and still hanging halfway off the dock. "He wants to know if he can help you without getting yelled at." Sam said rather bluntly. Both you and Seb gave him an annoyed look before Seb looked back at you, and shrugged awkwardly. "Oh! Oh... Uh... Yeah..." You said with a sad smile. After you said that, Sebastian grabbed your hand and pulled you up. The two of you then went back to sitting where you were originally. While the two of you were sitting there, neither of you seemed to notice that Sam and Abi snuck away to go sit where you were originally sitting before joining their little group, just a little while ago. They wanted to give you space, but still see what was going on between you and Sebastian. "Sorry... About what happened at the community center." You whispered, just loud enough for Seb to hear you. "You're sorry? I've been sitting around the entire time, wanting to apologize for what I did. I didn't even know what you did that's worth apologizing for." Seb whispered back with an awkward smile. "Lets see. I just randomly stopped talking to you for no reason, I yelled at you, I... I... Don't really remember if there was anything else." you continued whispering. "What did you do again?" You asked. "I... Hurt you... Remember?" Seb said back, looking concerned. "Oh... Yeah... That... I- Uh... I might wanna clear some things up about that." You said while scratching the back of your head. "Hm?" Seb hummed. "Um... You thought that you hurt my hand... Correct?" You said right before Seb nodded. "Ok... This may seem confusing, but... That's not what really happened." You said as you started to worry about how he would react to this. "So... If I didn't hurt your hand by pulling on it the way I did, then... What did I do to you?" Seb asked, looking a little concerned. You then sighed and said "You didn't really do anything. It was mainly my fault. You saw me grabbing at my chest that day, didn't you?" "Yeah... What was that about anyway?" Seb asked. "Well... The thing is..." You sigh and take a short pause before continuing. "It took me a while to figure this out, but... For some reason, whenever I'm near you, my chest starts to hurt. I still don't really know why that happens, but... I've kinda just learned to live with it." After that, there was another pause. The two of you just sat there, staring at each other, before Sebastian said "So, I'm hurting you... Just by being near you? Is that happening right now?!" before he started to try to stand up, but you grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie before he got too far. "Nonononono! Stop blaming yourself for something that's clearly wrong with me. This isn't your fault. I just... I... Just..." You said before pausing again, and looking down, still clinging to Sebastian's sleeve. Your eyes began to water, but you didn't know why. Seb sat back down, and you let go of his sleeve before saying "I just... Don't know... What's wrong with me..." As you said that, tears began to fall from your eyes. As you were crying, you felt arms slowly wrap around you. You opened your eyes to see that Sebastian was hugging you. Sam and Abi just sat there, silently, looking surprised. You also took a few seconds to sit there quietly before hiding your face in his hoodie. "Wow. Didn't think that would happen." Sam whispered to Abi. "Same here." She whispered back.

The two of you sat like that for a few more seconds before Sebastian whispered "We're gonna miss out on the whole reason we're here if we keep this up." The two of you let go of each other, and started watching the moonlight jellies. "Hey, look! A green one!" You whispered excitedly and pointed at the green jellyfish. "I'ma poke it." You said as you bent down to touch the jellyfish. "Be careful." Sebastian said as you touched it. After poking it, it swam closer to you, as if it wanted you to do it again. "Aw. It wants head pats!" You said before touching it again.

After a while, the moonlight jellies began to swim away, and a few seconds after that, the green one joined them. "Goodbye, new friend." You said as it swam away. You then heard Sebastian quietly laughing at you. You lightly hit him on the arm before starting to laugh with him. "So, we good now?" You asked him. "Yeah. I guess so." He said while still laughing a little.

Eventually, you saw that some people were starting to head home, so you decided to do the same. As the two of you stood up, Sebastian said "Um. It sure is dark out here. Do you... Want someone to walk you home?" "Who'd you have in mind?" You asked with a smug expression. "Well... Um... I figured, since I'm already with you... Uh..." Seb said in an awkward tone before you interrupted. "Stop. You're embarrassing yourself. If you wanna walk me home, just nod." Sebastian nodded soon after. "Figured." You said, while trying not to laugh. The two of you then started to walk to your farm.

"How are they so cute, and not a couple?!" Sam asked Abigail, who just shrugged back before saying "What if we thought of a plan to fix that?" with a smug expression. "It's big brain time." Sam whispered. Abigail just facepalmed.

(Small time skip)

After you and Sebastian got to your house, the two of you decided to talk a little. "Thanks again for hanging out with me today. No matter how much I told myself that I wanted to be alone, I guess it just... Wasn't true." You said while scratching the back of your head. "I'm kinda just glad you showed up. Sam, Abi, and I didn't even know you were coming, and Sam literally had to drag me out of my smoke filled room." Seb said back, which filled you with concern. "Uh... Don't you usually go outside to smoke?!" You asked. "Uh... Let's just say that I... Wasn't in the best place after what happened at the community center." The two of you just stood there in silence. You were trying to take in everything you were told. After a few seconds, you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck. He jumped, not expecting the sudden hug, but eventually relaxed a little, and wrapped his arms around you. "I hope you feel better. If not now... Then soon." You said before the two of you let go of each other. "Thanks. I guess I'll see you later?" Seb said before beginning to walk home. "Sure." You said back with a smile, and stepped into your house.

That night, you spent most of your time in bed, squealing from pure joy. "We're friends again!" You yelled into your pillow while kicking the air.

Your dog just sat next to your bed, looking both happy, and confused. After a while of screaming and flailing around, you fell asleep for the night with a smile on your face.

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