Chapter 4 (You see them too? How?!)

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(Sebastian's POV)


"Im... In front of the old community center?" I think as I stand in front of the building. The last time I was anywhere near here, was yesterday, when Y/n was going there, and I was going to the beach. I kinda wondered why she went in there, But I never thought of going in. I guess now's my chance to do that. I open the door, and dust flies at me. "*cough cough* Man, this place really is old." I say as I step inside. For some reason, I feel the need to look around. "There had to be a reason Y'n came in here, right?" I think before I suddenly hear something running behind me. I quickly turn around, and... There's nothing there? "Um... H- hello...?" I stuttered before thinking "It's just an old building. There's nothing to be afraid of." Right after thinking that, I hear more running. This time, it was closer. I turn around again, and see the same thing I saw before. Nothing. "Ok... W- what's going on here? Come out before I..." I didn't finish what I said, because I didn't know what I was dealing with. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, a high pitched scream fills the room. I cover my ears and run toward the exit. "I'm NOT dealing with this!" I yell. As I get to the door, and shake the nob, I notice it's locked. "How is it locked from the outside?! I just walked in here!" I say before putting my hands back over my ears. The screaming won't stop. I fall to my knees because I just can't stand how loud it is (Pun not intended). It sounds familiar, but it's so loud that I can't focus on who, or what it sounds like. "STOP! PLEASE! LET ME OUT...! Please... Please..." I pleaded before seeing something walk toward me. It looked like the thing I saw in the bush yesterday, and it didn't seem to be affected by the noise. It looked like it tried to speak to me, but I couldn't hear it over the screaming. I was kinda weirded out by the way it looked, but at this point, that didn't matter. I just wanted to go home. "WHAT?!" I yelled. The thing looked at me, and then stepped closer. As it did that, I noticed that the screaming got quieter. It didn't stop, but it quieted down enough to let me be able to unplug my ears. The creature then started to speak, but it was in a language that I couldn't understand. "W-... What...?" I asked. At this point, I was shaking, and not because I was cold. This time, it was out of fear. The thing tried to repeat what it said, but that clearly wasn't working. "Ok... Clearly, this isn't working. Can you just let me leave?" I asked. The weird little round thing just nodded, and I could hear a creak. I looked at the door, and sure enough, it was open, just slightly. The screaming also stopped, just before it opened. I got up, still shaky from what just happened, and started walking out the door. For some reason I decided to look back, only to see that that... Things... Was gone, and just as I turned to walk out the door, a flash of white blinded me, and then...

(End nightmare)

"Seb... Seb, wake up. Sebastian? Are you ok? Please wake up!" I heard as I jolted upward and gasped. "Wh-... What happened? Where?" I questioned before looking around a bit, then looked down at the person that was sitting on the floor, next to the couch. "Seb... Are you alright? I heard you mumbling earlier this morning, then came to check on you. It took me a little while to wake you up... You also look like you've been crying for a while." Y/n says before I put my hand on my face, and found out that, yes, it is wet. "Wow. Nice way to wake up." I say sarcastically, while wiping my face with my... Um... Y/n's hoodie sleeve. "Sorry in advance for the tear stained hoodie." I say with a chuckle. "It's fine. Trust me, I have a lot of clothing that's had to deal with emotional issues." She says back.

(Your POV)

You wake up early in the morning, around five am, maybe? To the sound of mumbling. You walk into the living room, only to see Sebastian, on the couch, crying. "Seb?" You whisper before walking over to sit next to him. As soon as you sit down, you can just barely hear what he's mumbling. "P- please... Please... Let me... Out... Please..." He quietly said, while shaking, with his hands covering his head. "He's having a nightmare, isn't he?" You quietly ask yourself before carefully grabbing one of his hands to try to calm him down, or wake him up. Whatever came first. "Seb... It's ok... no one's forcing you to stay anywhere. You're safe." You say while gently rubbing his hand. "There are faster ways to wake someone up... But I don't wanna hurt, or scare him." You say as you feel your face heat up a little. After a few seconds, you see that his breathing starts to slow down. He's calming down a little. "Is this actually working?" You ask yourself before hearing him mumble "W- what...?" For a second, you think he was starting to wake up, before realizing... Nope... No he wasn't... Bummer. You continue to sit next to him for a while, hoping he'd wake up soon. The rooster even started crowing, and that did nothing. You began to think that he wouldn't wake up, until you nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw him jolt up with a loud gasp. "Wh-... What happened? Where?" he began to question, as if he didn't know where he was. He looked around a little, before making eye contact with you. "Seb... Are you alright? I heard you mumbling earlier this morning, then came to check on you. It took me a little while to wake you up... You also look like you've been crying for a while." You say to him with concern. He slowly touched his face with his hand before saying "Wow. Nice way to wake up." before wiping his wet face with the sleeve of your hoodie. "Sorry in advance for the tear stained hoodie." He says jokingly. "Eh. I've seen worse." You think before saying "It's fine. Trust me, I have a lot of clothing that's had to deal with emotional issues." You don't know why you felt the need to say that, but you did. Sebastian does a nervous laugh before saying "Oh, really? That sounds tough." "Yep... But I don't wanna dump all of that on you now. You look like you've been through enough." You say back. "Do I really look that bad?" Seb asks. "Nah, you look just as cute as you usually do, it's just that you look really tired and sad." You say before slapping yourself in the mouth after realising what you said. "WHY DID I SAY THAT?! FOR THE LOVE OF YOBA, WHAT MADE ME SAY THAT?!" you think while still keeping your hand on your mouth. "Oh~" Was all that Seb could say. His eyes were wide open, as if he just got done drinking 4 cups of coffee.

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