Discussion of the girl & War

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The air was stiff and stale as the other members of the jedi council entered the room. The only member absent was Obiwan & Master Fisto. Both were in the middle of battles on seperate planets to push back the seperatist even for a time being. A clone trooper known as silver walked in slowly standing at attention with his arms crossed over his back. "You called me Master Jedi" Silver said quietly. "Yes we are aware you found the child. We need the details."  Master Ti said sitting up some.

Master Plo (POV)

The soldier seemed nervous and slowly took off his helmet and adjusted his standing. "Yes sir, I am all I know is I was walking by a side by the temple and I heard soft crying and whispering. It sounded like an older man a year or 2 older than me." The clone half muttered. 'Strange he was uneasy.' I thought.

"Did you manage to see his face or catch what he was saying" Master windu spoke tilting his head at the soldier. "You have no reason to be nervous as long as your not hiding anything from us soldier." I said rubbing my hands against my legs.

Silver let out a deep breath and relaxed only barely. "I did catch bits of what he said. He said It's going to be okay Iris, and something like we'll come for you little sis. After he said that I turned the corner and called out to the man. He was in clone armor and had 'Iris' close to his chest. He dropped her somewhat on the ground and ran. I tried to chase after but he got away." 

I nodded. "Clone trooper this person is so. Face have you seen? Hm Hm!" Master yoda spoke out tapping his staff against the ground. The clone went rigid some and stepped side to side. "Y-yes I did sir. He-he looked like Commander rex! I saw a flash of blue on the Clones armor and his voice it sounded like him."

Murmurs filled the room as what Silver said sank in. 'Anakins prime trooper? Harbaring a younling? Wouldn't anakin know?' I thought as I said, "You are dismissed for now silver. Now go get Anakin, Ashoka, and Captain rex. Now" 

Silver saluted towards us and put his helmet on quickly and almost ran out to find the 3. "Rex? Seriously harboring a child? That doesn't sound like him!" Master mundi said shock covering his face. 

"Yes this doesn't I agree. There must be more details than just what the trooper has said. And even if he did have the child wouldn't anakin or ashoka have sensed the child. We all sense the presence she has caused just by entering the temple only a few hours ago." Master Gallia said quickly.

"Yes we have, All I sensed when I was near the child was a cold darkness. The air around her felt stale and poisonus. I felt like I was suffocating." Master Windu said shuttering only slightly. "What do you think Master Yoda" He said as all of us looked at Master yoda curious of his answer.

His face was still and quiet as his hand trailed up to his face and rubbed it ever so slowly his eyes shut and his mouth held shut with a serious expression covering his entire face. "Monitor we will, gather the facts and storys we will also. What else she shows we will see" Yoda spoke opening his eyes his face serious. "Inforn obiwan we will of this facts. Dismissed we all are" He spoke again and got up leaving the room with the other Jedi.

Cody's POV-On Ryloth

Blast fire rang all around my ear as I continued to shoot at clankets that hid behind boxes. We had just finished rescuing some ryloth people and were beginning to push through the enemies line. Clones and clankers were getting knocked down left right, infront of me and in the sky. 

"Definetly gonna have nightmares about this later!" I yelled over to Bronze earning a sharp laugh. "Yeah! But it's gonna be a good nightmare when we relish in the victory!" Bronze yelled and threw another grenade into the marching droids causing metal to go flying into the air as it exploded.

Soon enough the droids were on a full frontal retreat. Clones cheered and cried out in victory as others sat down and took a moment to catch a breath. They had been fighting the moment they got here. Having to deal with their brothers going down left and right. Before that pushing through the battle lines in space. 

I fell back and rubbed my face smiling. 'We were close to ending this battle I knew it!' I thought looking over at bronze punching his fist into the air and chest bumping a clone. "The battle is not yet won boys! We still have to push back the rest of those droids!" Master Obiwan shouted earning many groans and boots and socks flying at his head with helmets. 

Obiwan ducked and rolled behind a crate. "I WAS JUST BEING HONEST!" A boot hit him straight in the forehead sending him down. "ALRIGHT WHOEVER NAILED THAT BOOT I GOT UR CHORES FOR A WEEK!" I yelled laughing and slowly helping Obiwan up.

"Cmon boss let them enjoy this victor." I said as Obiwan threw the boot at a clone who was missing a boot. Clones ran and grabbed their stuff making more jokes and some even throwing them at other clones. "Yeah I guess I should" He muttered and brushed off dirt. Another clone ran over to us.

"Sir the council request your presence on com channel please" The clone said. I followed Obiwan quickly. A sinking feeling filled my gut as we walked over to the com table. Master Plo stood there with Master Fisto on the other side of the com table as a hologram projection same as Master plo.

"You called Master Plo, Master Fisto?" Obiwan said as both turned and faced Obiwan. "Yes we have had a surprising discovering. A new youngling was found by a clone, her presence is quiet 'interesting' to say the least. Shes already set many of us on edge." He spoke looking at both of the 2 jedi. 

"Alright? The dark side is within her?" Obiwan questioned rubbing his beard. "Yes and that is not all. The clone who found the child says he saw Commander rex holding the child and saying 'We willl come back for your little sis' We are about to speak with Anakin, Ashoka, and Rex very soon when they get here." 

I felt my body go rigid as my legs felt like jello. Obiwan's body tensed up as confusion crossed his face. "Rex? Harboring a youngling? Anakin and Ashoka would have sensed the child! Are we fully sure of this?" Obiwan asked glancing at me. My breath felt ragged some.

'Shit shit shit! Rex got caught! Shit shit shit! It's gonna trace back to me and yellow squad!' A hand grabbed my shoulder yanking me from my thoughts. "Cody are you alright? What's wrong" Obiwan whispered concern over his face. Master Fisto and Windu were both looking down at me confused and surprised.

I nodded slowly my breathing calming. "y-yes sir. I was just caught off guard. Rex wouldn't do this sir! He's a rule book guy. He wouldn't I swear." I half muttered half yelled looking back and forth between all of the jedi.

"Yes we understand that. Don't worry we will get all the facts and everything. Go lie down please, You look pale." Obiwan said and signalled for some clones to walk me to a place I could lie down. I followed reluctantly and laid down beside bronze yanking on his arm to wake him.

"What man! I was in a good dream" He muttered rolling over to face me. "Rex got caught. Their gonna find out everything. I whispered as surprised and fear filled his face as the words slowly processed in his brain. "Shit shit man" He sat up fast facing me. I told him what I had heard from the call and we began to whisper and plan.

"Whats going to happen next Cody?" He whispered. "IDK Bronze IDK"

Sorry I didnt update last week! I had writers block!

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