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Iris POV

Everything felt cold and painful. What happened? Where am I? I tried to move but my body didn't respond. I tried to open my eyes and only got a searing light that caused me to shut  my eyes tightly to shut it out.

"We found her unconscious by the corridor Master Windu". Who was that? It sounded female maybe, something damp pressed against my forehead and I felt myself become more aware of my body.

"I will have to ask the Jedi Council about her. I ask that you keep her here and try to find out as much as you can." There was a male next to me his voice was loud and I became aware of a firm hand on my shoulder. 

"Yes Master Windu" The same female voice spoke out and I heard footsteps fading away with a door opening and closing. "Its going to be okay little 1 don't worry" The cloth on my head was taken off and sleep claimed me again.

2 hours later

I was running. I was always running from IT it was trying to grab me again. Its black tentacle grabbed my leg and yanked causing me to fall. Pain swarmed my brain as my head hit the cold marble of the ground. 

Its always the same place. There's rubble everywhere and bodies. Clones and droids and even civilians. I pushed myself up and ran as fast as I could. " CODY! CODY HELP ME! BRONZE! PLEASE ANYBODY!"

I screamed out turning any corner I could to escape IT I wanted to go home but I don't know where home is. I turned the corner and stumbled back. It was a cliff. Sharp footsteps echoed against the floor as I turned around.

He was there coming towards me. "Come now little 1. Lets not play this game." "Stop it! Leave me alone!" My hand flew out and the same energy I felt before hit the man but something flew from his hand. A red saber flew at me.

I screamed as it plunged into my chest and I fell back. Off the cliff.......Again

I shot up fast screaming my hand flying to my chest, throwing myself out of the tangle of covers. My body hit the ground and pain shot through me. Firm hands grabbed me as I screamed and thrashed. 

I looked around and saw frightened faces of children and women. "Calm down! Calm down please!" I was placed down on the bed and I continued to thrash and hit. "WHERE AM I. IM NOT GOING WITH YOU! LET ME GOOO!" I screamed out my lungs becoming painful as I screamed.

The energy shot out again and the restrainers were sent flying along with other people and objects in the room causing screams and sounds of surprise hit my ears as I sat up seeing where I was. Everything stopped in mid air suddenly and floated back to their spots where they were before. Children landing on their beds and Dr's? landing softly back on their feet.

I quickly took in breaths my lungs burning from my screaming. Cold sweat covered my body as my body went on guard more and more as each second went by. "Scared you are one little. Unaware of where you are heh?" A soft voice spoke out from the doorway. My head turned followig the sound of the voice and i saw a small green man with pointy ears, a soft tan robe, and a brown walking stick. 

A man with brown skin and sharp eyes was next to him. He walked to me slowly as the other man went to help the nurses. "Who are you" I spoke out sliding off the bed and reaching for my blaster. My body tensed as I looked at myself. It wasn't next to me.

I wasn't in my clothes. I was in a long blue and white nightgown. "With me you must come" The short man spoke out and signaled for me to follow him. Reluctantly I did leaving the room and taking in the walls of the temple. I had nothing better to do. The room I was formerly in had no decent size windows to throw myself out of.

I was in the temple! How did I get here. My brain shot with memories of what had happened. Rex had knocked me out in the chaos of the base. They left me..... I lowered my head tears forming at the corners of my eyes as that weight sunk down on my mind.

 "Sadness within you hm? Doubt clouded your mind" I kept my mouth shut quickly wiping the tears from my eyes and following the green dwarf. He explained everything who he was where I was. 

His name was Master yoda. He was apart of the Jedi council and was taking me to a room with kids my age which he called younglings. I glanced behind me and saw the man named Windu who the nurses had been talking to. He was the dark skinned man. 

He was blocking the way to run off and I didn't see any vents at the moment. "Strong in the force you are" Master Yoda spoke out. "Dark presence holds you though". I rolled my eyes and walked into the room Master yoda motioned to. There were kids all around asleep in beds. 

Some woke up and glanced over at me. Windu walked over and clapped loudly waking almost everyone. "This is uh" Windus eyes looked at me in an instant. I put my arms across my chest and tilted my head. 

"The names Iris. Leave me the hell alone. I don't give a dam about any of you. I walked through all of them getting mean or shocked looks from all of them. I slid into a bed I hadn't seen anybody sit in and curled up under the blanket.

"Uh yes that's Iris. She's a new youngling. Please be nice to her and get to know her. Then go back to sleep because you have a long day tomorrow." Windu spoke out and walked out of the bedroom with Yoda. 

Some children tried to talk to me but I ignored them or gave them a snide remark. Soon they gave up and climbed back into bed and soft breathing and snoring filled the room. I curled up into a tight ball tilting myself to be able to get off the bed in an instant if a had to. "Hey Iris?" Tension filled my body as I recognized the voice in an instant

I was reading over this chapter and I noticed a few mistakes and I want to edit it so yeah sorry! I will be going over past chapters and fixing any mistakes and adding onto them as I please! If you do see mistakes please please! point them out to me but kindly not rudely.

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