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Breakfast came and went as the younglings all ate. Iris spent her time explaining as little details as she could about why she had disappeared and suddenly showed up. She had lied to them saying she had wandered in and was embarrassed to admit that she didn't live there just like everyone else. Abigail and Markus easily forgave her while other younglings got to know Iris. Her form and how she held her body. She was physcially stronger clearly against other children. Even older kids seemed less in form and physical strength.-Narrator

Iris POV

I stayed close to Abigail as we walked to the training room. "Were probably gonna learn how to swing our saber when we get it. Hey maybe soon were gonna get our kyro crystals soon!" Abigail said and picked up a pace slightly snatching my hand and yanking me along.

"Kyro crystals?" I asked tilting my head slightly confused at the word. Abigail turned and stared at me with other children. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A KYRO CRYSTAL IS?!" They all screamed startled at the sentence. 

The door to the training room flew open as Master Alaya stepped out glaring down at all of us. They all turned and stood at attention i followed slowly glaring at the women. "Whats this I hear? Someone doesn't know what Kyro crystals are?" Who doesnt! Who wasn't paying attention to me while I taught you! WHOS GONNA RUN A LAP!" Alaya screamed at all of us. 

'Probably not the best move to do to children idiot' I thought as all the children turned and pointed at me. I tilted my head and let a dull expression form on my face. "Yeah so what? They something special?" "Iris! Don't be so mean!" Markus said shaking his head and shaking my shoulders slightly. 

Master Alaya tilted her head and watched me. "Ah so your the new youngling. Your off the hook since nobody has probably informed you on anything. Today i'll take it easy on you all and we'll go over all the basics again then we will do some saber praciticing."

Sighs of relief filled the room as every children cheered and slapped my back harshly. My hand caught the next hand to fly at my back and i tripped and slammed them down quickly with my knee holding them down. I yanked the childs arm back far earning a scream of pain. Something yanked me off as blue hands yanked the child to Alaya's body. 

"Thats enough go run a lap around the room now and then sit down with the other children after apologizing" I rolled my eyes and began running.

The next 30 minuets or so Master Alaya explained all of the basics of a Lightsaber, Kyro crystal, and basic swings and slashes of a Lightsaber. After that the children all practiced their swings and fighting against 1 another with small staffs made for their bodys. They took turns fighting each other.-Narrator

Master Alayas POV

The class was going good if I do say so for myself! The children are scared of me as always and their are no fights or fist flying like usual. But their was 1 issue. My eyes darted over to where Iris stood. Tall and proud over another child she had beat. 

She was strong and quick. Her body was small even though her physcial body showed it had serious strength. She whooped anyones tail within minuets of each fight swiftly kicking and tripping the child before aiming the staff to their head or heart. She was strong but was aggresive and not as kind as the others.

All the Jedi knew of this childs presence. Not just because of the way she was found. Some younglings are found that way. Abandoned and thrown away with some adults not understanding the wonderful gift of the force. 

It was because of what was connected to her. The dark side lingered inside of her like a root deep in the ground. It led to great worry and concern for what this child could become. All the jedi asked that question. 

Alaya laughed a little. The kid reminder her of skywalker when they had first met. He was aggresive and quite the finatic for causing destruction and mayhem. Yet he was kind and sweet when he was with other children he could get along with. 

'Maybe if Anakin and this child meet? Maybe Anakin can help her with this dark side inside of her if it prevails over the next year.' I thought. She was snapped out of her thoughts as a quick yelp filled the room along with swift cussing.

'Oh brother. Which kid heard a clone cuss' I thought as I serveyed the crowd of kids. My eyebrows shot up as my eyes locked onto Iris sitting on her butt with a staff aimed to her throat. Benjamin a skilled lightsaber fighter was standing over her holding out a hand. "Well looks like I beat the newbie"

"Oh please! I let you win!" Iris spat out standing up on her own and brushing off her clothes. "I would have whooped your butt if these clothes werent restricting me." "Those clothes are not as restricting as you think. Maybe if you had taken the time to look you would have noticed you had it on backwards" I muttered aloud so Iris could hear.

Iris faced heated up as she quickly realized her clothes were infact on backwards. "ABBY! Why didn't you tell me!" "Think of it as karma! For lying~" Abigail said and laughed and ran away as Iris chased after her.

'Welp something tells me training her is gonna be as hard as trying to get Anakin to stand on a beach longer than 5 minuets' I thought and chased after the girls.

So sorry this is a day late! I tried to post it last night but Wattpad wouldn't let me! ALSO THANK YOU FOR SO MANY READS I AM VERY THANKFUL FOR YOU ALL! SEE YOU SOON HAVE A GOOD DAY

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