The Baby

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Codys POV

It was dark and stormy as I walked around the base we had set up on Christophis.  It had been a long day and to me an even longer, catching slick just a week prior, Anakin's new Padawan, and then taking out that annoying ray shield the separatist had created. I was just ready to get back to Coruscant even just for a little bit of peace and rest, I should even be resting right now but nope! My minds going a thousand miles an hour and I can't sleep for the love of me, it felt like something was pulling on me. 

I continued to walk for an hour until I finally heard it, the sound of a baby crying. I immediately picked up my pace and began to run to the noise and that's when I saw her. A frail women with black hair and gray eyes wrapped in what seemed to be a thin torn blanket, she was clutching a small basket against her chest. Blood was pouring down her right leg and she had a blaster hole in her stomach. I ran to her side as she began to collapse but she pushed me away clutching the basket made of willow closer to her chest. 

"let me help you please your hurt", I said to her grabbing her tighter this time and slowly setting her down against a large piece of rubble. She shook her head violently at me and that's when i saw the bruises around her neck and the deep gash on her cheek. She looked up at me sadly and winced putting a hand to her stomach. 

"its gonna be alright ma'am. Did the clanker's do this to you?", I asked as I took out wrappings from one of my pouches and began to wrap her stomach. She shook her head and grabbed my hand.

"Please. Take her. Take her and raise her. Please. Don't like the Jedi get her. They aren't who they really are.", she gasped out to me grabbing the basket and pushing it into my chest. I took it and watched her with a per plex look and removed the blanket slowly. There was a little baby with Caucasian skin and with black hair and stormy gray eyes with a mix of purple in the center.

"Please..", the women gasped again turning my attention back to her. 

"I- im a clone ma'am! I can't raise a kid. I have to give her to your people on even you! Your gonna be fine!"

I scooped the women up quickly putting the basket on her stomach shaking my head back and forth and I began to run back to base. I was almost a full mile out! 'Dam it how could I be so stupid and get this far.. but on the other hand.. I'm glad I did go this far or I wouldnt have found her...' I looked down at the women and saw that her eyes were shut tight her face caught in a grimace. 

"It's gonna be fine I promise." I said to her running as fast as I could without jostling her to much. She only shook her head more. "Please... I'm begging you. Take her! Please! Your a clone you and her are alike. Please", she rasped to me. She was getting weaker by the moment as blood began to pour through the bandages in her stomach. 'Dam... someone shot her intestines...wait? like me?'

I stopped in my tracks looking down at the women. "What do you mean she's like me?!" I yelled confusion probably covering my face. I looked at the baby in the willow basket. She was quiet now looking at me with a confused expression with drool dripping down her face. 

"She's like you... please. I'm begging you. Take her in commander Cody. Don't let the Jedi ever get her. They have been hunting me and her since the moment she was born. They wont think she is with their own troops", she continued to gasp out pushing the basket into my chest more and put her fist into my chest and kicked free dropping to the ground.

I hastily caught the basket and looked at the women. She was silent now and had a gun aimed at her head. "Take Iris. Swear to me. FUCKING swear it! You will raise her and take care of her! Please!" I went stiff watching the women. 

"Take it easy lady. Don't do anything your gonna regret."

"Swear it! Please swear it on your code to not leave a brother behind." 

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