The plan

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TW: Cursing

 Wolfs POV

I shot up fast leaping across the table and coiling my hand around blackouts throat. He coughed and kneed my side pulling at my hand.  Rex shot up and hauled me off with help from Omega. Wrecker yanked Blackout off with Cody holding him back while I was held back by Rex and Omega.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" I spat out a fire burning inside of me. Blackout growled and yanked himself from of of Wrecker and Cody. "You didn't let me finish shit head!" I pulled against Rex and Omega straining to punch him. 

"Well hurry up and finish before I release Wolf and let him punch u!" I turned and saw Cody having a fire in his own eyes. He was the 1 who found Iris and Blackout was possibly wanting to give her away?! WTF.

Blackout rubbed his throat and leaned against the wall. "We let the jedi "have her" -He made quotation marks in the air smirking- "but really there just training her in the force for us."

I felt myself calm and felt confusion take over. Cody and Omega released me as all of us looked at Blackout confused. "That's pretty smart but how could you come up with something so smart eh?" Rex spoke out and got a middle finger from Blackout with a gruff laugh.

"You and I all know that we can't train her like she needs to be. She needs to also be around kids her age and educated. We still take her home everyday through vents and raise her, but we let the Jedi teach her the ways of the force."

"And what if when she's finally fully trained and has to go to a master." Omega spoke raising an eyebrow at Blackout. "Then we either fake her death or 'Kidnap her'. That easy eh! Its a full proof plan!" I nodded slightly and sat down.

We all sat back down and fixed the kinks in the plan and talked.

Cody's POV

I left the meeting room exhausted. We had spent 2 hours working out the plan and making it full proof. I sighed slightly. Giving Iris to the Jedi was its own risk and we had to make sure she didn't run to us every time she saw us or call us by our names or reveal anything. 

I walked back to my bunker room and looked at the lump in my bed. I motioned to walk over but hesitated. She was probably still scared or upset with me or scared. I sat down on another bed. "I'm sorry Iris I hope you understand why we got so mad. I love ya shorty. Goodnight" 

I sat down on the bed pulling the covers over me and let sleep envelop me. I heard my brothers walk in and land on their own beds and soft snoring filled the room. I rolled over, I would tell them the plan in the morning when I had the energy and had processed everything.

In the morning

I woke up to a loud alarm. I shot up fast and looked around. My brothers seemed as startled as me. Iris had already shot out of bed and was hiding under my bed with Bronze trying to coax her out the alarm not helping.

Rex ran in with Ashoka at his side. "We got to get to ryloth boys! They need some serious back-up!!!". Ashoka spoke out to us not noticing Iris thankfully. She turn and run to alert the others as we all shot up grabbing our armor and putting it on.

"What about Iris we cant take her sir!" I looked toward iris sighing. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. "You go with rex! He's gonna explain everything I promise. We will come back and get you iris I swear."

Iris began to shake and wound her arms around my chest tightly crying. I pulled her free sighing and handed her to rex. "Take her to the temple!" Rex nodded and ran as fast as he could blending into the ground of running shoulders.

"The temple?!" My brothers looked at me shocked. "Ill tell ya the story later alright lets go!" We ran out joining the crowd of running boys. "CODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Iris scream out for me distantly but ignored it.  "I'm sorry Iris ill be back as soon as possible!"

Iris POV

I tried to wiggle free of Rex's grip but failed. Why was I going to the temple! Were they giving me up for what I did! Tears fell down my face as I began to kick and squirm more. "Cut it out kid!!!" Rex slid into an empty hallway and took a deep breath and I felt something hit my neck.

I looked down and saw rex pull the trigger to his stun gun. Darkness enveloped me as I felt Rex scoop me up once more and run. "Im sorry kid" I heard him whisper it before I fully passed out.

OMG thank you for so many reads! Good thing school is about to end for me so Im gonna post atleast 3 times a week at best! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry again for all the drama! 

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