Chapter 5

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"Tommy, do you want to go to the store with me? Or is your ankle still messed up?" Clay asked, he walked into Tommy's room sense the door was open.

Tommy was once again reading, but this time the cover was something different, Clay saw a statue? Maybe a book on history. Tommy had a weird taste in books.

Tommy thought for a moment but then agreed to go, just to make sure Clay didn't spend too much of his own money.

"Dope, I'll be leaving in about 20 minutes so be ready by then." Clay said walking out of the room as Tommy nodded.

Tommy set down his book on top of the other one that was on his side table. He took his glasses off and set them on the book he was just reading.

He decided he needed to change from the pajamas that he's been wearing since last night.

He changed into a long sleeve black turtle neck that George bought him and blue ripped jeans, Nick had bought him those.

He then wore white adidas that Clay had bought him. Tommy didnt usually like this style of clothing as it seemed flashy, but he wanted to make sure that his family knew he appreciated them.

He then brushed his hair, it was a knotted mess. After controlling the mop on his head he left his room and met Clay in the living room.

"Yo, you like the shoes I bought you?" Clay asked, he was beaming at how got up Tommy looked.

"Yea, they're quite nice." Tommy said looking down at them.

"Well you look sick, but you do realize that we are just going to Walmart right?" Clay asked walking to the door, key and wallet in hand.

Tommy looked down embarrassed, "Oh dont be embarrassed, we'll get lunch too, just so that your outfit doesnt go to waste.'' Clay said putting an arm around Tommy's shoulders as they walked outside.

They get in Clay's car and buckle up.

"So do you want lunch or grocery shopping first?" Clay asked putting the key in the ignition.

"Lunch first, then we wont be hungry shopping and wont buy food we dont need." Tommy said looking out the window.

"You sound like George." Clay said rolling his eyes and pulling out of their driveway.

"Well, he did raise me." Tommy said smiling, still looking out of the window.

"Yea and he did a good job, you're a good kid you know." Clay said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Whatever, dont go all dad mode on me." Tommy said, his eyes were focused on the other houses in the neighborhood.

"Dad mode? Dont even dude, more like proud older brother." Clay scoffed.

"No you're definitely like a dad, even dress like one too." He said mumbling the last bit.

"Hey! I do not!" Clay said laughing, "A green hoodie and blue jeans isnt a 'dad' look." He continued.

"Yea ok big man." Tommy said, they were now pulling into a mall.

"Why the mall? Dont we need to get groceries after we eat? Its easier to to eat somewhere close to a store." Tommy asked, Clay smirked and pulled into a parking spot.

"You ask to many questions, just get out of the car dude." Clay said simply, Tommy groaned in response and got out.

They walked towards the mall entrance and Tommy pestered him, he wanted to know where they were going, what his plan was. Tommy liked being in the loop of things.

"Tom, please, for my sanity, shut up." Clay said laughing. They got a few stares from the loud laughter Clay was emitting.

"Here, let's get some food from this cafe, im sure theyll have something youll like." Clay suggested calming down, Tommy groand eternally but nodded, he wouldnt turn down some free food.

They walked through the doors of the cafe, learning the name was, Starlight Cafe.

"Welcome!" said a chipper worker, he had blue hair and a black apron, they could tell the man was wearing black paints and a sweater underneath.

They werent terribly busy, the line wasnt long and after waiting a few minutes it was finally their turn to order.

"Hello, I'm Scott, what can i get started for you?" Scott said moving some hair out of his face, Clay smiled at the kind man.

"Hi! Ill have a crossant with a black coffee, with two shots of expresso. He'll have a green tea and he'll also have a crossant!" Clay said matching Scotts energy and smile.

"Sure thing, your total is going to be 12.75. Cash or card?" Scott asks as he taps away on his screen.

"Cash." Clay said as he handed Scott the exact amount he asked for, "And a name for that order?" Scott asked as he counted the money and put it away.

"Clay." He said stepping away from the counter so the people behind him could order. Tommy followed closely behind, he didnt like being seperated from someone that hes with for very long, unless hes at school.

Soon the news cought their attention, and everyone elses for that matter.

"Media News: New police force has been assembled! The government calls them the Elite Force, a group of well trained indaviduals that will take down anyone who go against the new laws set in place."

The barista turned up the volume as everyone was interested in the news story, and upon further inspection every tv or phone was broadcasting this channel.

"These laws include: Any bounty hunter, vigilante, or assassin that is not ceritified will be expected to turn themselves in. If you go against this, and continue your crime, you will be hunted down and killed with no further warning. If you are certified for the now labled crime, you are expected to turn in your certification and ID, you will not go to jail. If you do not turn yourself or your ID in before, August 29 of this year, you will be put in jail or worse, made an exapmle of. For any citizen that is harboring these now proclaimed fugitives, you will also be aprehended. Now back to your regular broadcasting shcedules."

And with that the news anchor disapears and is replaced with some cooking show.

"Cancle our order." Clay says to Scott, he nods.

"Everyone who has ordered and payed, please stay to get your things, but everyone else please leave. We are now closed." A man said coming out of the back room says, he was concerned and very worried, he had seen the broadcast too.

People groaned but understood, Tommy and Clay were already out the door and close to the entrance of the mall.

"What are we going to do?"

Word Count: 1230

Sorry for this late update ive just been really focused on my other story, thanks for reading <3!

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