Chapter 23

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How we doin guys :D

"He did what?!" Philza slammed his fist down onto the table. Anger was spewing from every inch of his body.

Dream had finished explaining to them what Tubbo did to Tommy.

"Where is he now?" He turned to Aries, his son, "He hasn't clocked in. He's not here." He replied simply.

"I assure you Dream. I did not want this to happen. Aries where's Ranboo? Maybe he'll know." Philza asked, he pinched the bridge of his nose in anger.

His other son, Ghost backed away out of fear.

"He hasn't clocked in either. He might be in on it." Aries explained.

Philza grunted, Dreams pocket started buzzing.

"Im sorry. I have to take this." Drean said, "Of course." Phil understood, if his kids were in the hospital, he'd take calls immediately.

"Clay someone took him! Someone took Tommy!" It was George on the other side of the phone.

He was in tears and Dream could hear the sound of an engine.

All color and hope left Dreams body. Why was this all suddenly happening to Tommy? Its all anyone can wonder is why.

"I'll find him." Dream said as he hung up the phone.

He walked back to the room.

"They took my boy, I have to go." Dream said, Phil stopped him quickly, "Who took him? And I'll send out help." He glanced over to Aries and he nodded, he started typing on his tablet and looked for anyone that was available.

"I appreciate it. And as of right now we are unsure." Dream said then left, The Warden went with him.

He was going to help his new friend.


Ranboo started to wake up, he was in a dark room. He couldnt tell if his eyes were open or not, but he knew that it hurt when he moved his body.

It felt as if electricity was coursing through his veins. When he breathed it felt like needles were jabbing his chest.

He was on a bed. It would have been comfortable if he wasnt in this much pain.

Soon, dim lights came on.

'Whoever took me was considerate of my eyes...this fucking sucks.' Ranboo thought.

As he sat up, he could finally see around the room. It was a white padded room, 'Looks like its from the movies.' He thought.

It had a bed, toilet, and sink.

'Great im a fucking inmate. I swear to everything if they even lay a hand on T-' Ranboo was pulled out of his thoughts by the lock clicking on the door.

When it opened it showed the person who took him, he was in uniform still, but his face seemed to be paler.

It was quiet, the man just stood there. Like he didnt want Ranboo to notice him, like he didnt want to be there.

"Hello?" Ranboo asked, he heard a sigh from the other.

The man pulled the mask that covered half of his face down, Ranboo noticed the frown etched into his face.

He was blonde, had purple eyes, and was fairly tall; not as tall as him though.

"The names Plum, but you'll hear people call me Purpled. My boss requires me to ask you questions. If you don't comply it won't be very good for you." He spoke, Ranboo was good at detecting peoples emotions through their voices.

It was a trait he picked up awhile back, and Purpleds emotions showed that this was something he did not want to be doing.

Ranboo nodded, Purpled sighed with relief.

"What are your relations with The Sleepy Bois Inc?" Was his first question that needed to be answered.

Purpled closed the door and took out a notepad, ready to write every word down.

"Well, I work for them. I've lived with them for a few years now. Thats really all." Ranboo vaguely explained.

"And when did you come into contact with Tommy?" Purpled asked, Ranboo lifted his eyebrow, 'Why is he asking about Tommy?' He thought.

"Met him a little bit ago at school." He said, Purpled glanced up at him then back down to his notepad.

"You're just full of details aren't you?" Purpled asked sarcastically.

"Are you aware that Tommy is poisoned? And poisoned by your friend Tubbo nonetheless." Purpled asked, Ranboo's face contorted with different emotions.

"What?! Tubbo wouldn't do that! And how the hell do you even know about them, they're none of your concern!"
Ranboo practically shouted, not loud enough for people outside of the room to hear but loud enough for him to get his point across.

Purpled groaned, "You think i want Tommy, or you, to be here? No! I just brought you both here because I was fucking told to! Me and Tommy were best friends when he used to work here. I fucking helped him leave by gathering evidence!" He quieted down towards the end, so only the other person inside the room heard his tangent.

Ranboo was more than shocked. Questions filled his mind, 'He knew Tommy?' 'Tommy's here?' 'Is he alright?'.

"Yes, I knew Tommy. And yes Tommy is here. We are currently giving him medicine to treat the poison that his so called 'friend' gave to him." His phone beeped. Pulling it out he read the message given to him.

It seems I've actually come down here to collect you. Please follow me." Purpled said pulling his mask back up and putting his phone away.

'I said all that out loud?' Ranboo thought, he got up and stumbled a little before managing to walk properly.

"Where am I going?" Ranboo asked, but he wishes he didnt.

Purpled left him in silence for a moment before opening the door.

"My boss." He answered dryly.

Ranboo was about to go through unimaginable hell, but what he didnt know, was someone was going to help them.


Word count: 1008

Thank you for your patience! It is very appreciated!

I hope you've enjoyed this book so far, I really like making it!

Have a food rest of your day!!!!

BYE <3

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