Chapter 2 | "I t-t-think I like a b-boy!"

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Doggy's POV:

Woah, I finally found him. After years of searching, and a few more of giving up, he's here, in my arms.

"Hey, Doggy, can I get your number? And I kinda wanna text you, too..."

"Sure!", I said. I found a piece of paper and scribbled my phone number on it, then I gave it to him. He took it, then took a glance at it before smiling the cutest smile you'd ever see.

Am I growing feelings? I feel my cheeks growing warm... 

"Thank you", the taller male said. Then he raced off, shouting "BYE!" over his shoulder. My hand was still outstretched. I was in love. With someone I suspected to be a top. I'll surely tell my father about this.

Wait, would he accept me?

...~15 minutes later~...

I opened my front door with a creak, and caught my little sister tackling me to the ground.

"DOGGY! Where were you in the rainnnnnnn! We're you out to buy me gifts?"

"No, no, Daphne (pronounced DAF-nee), I went out to buy grocer- GROCERIES! I HAVE TO GET-"

"You can stay right there, bud."

"Dad? But you said to buy groceries..." "I know, son. You can buy them tomorrow, you look cold"

"Ok...". I picked myself up in a huff, and closed the front door, which I forgot was open. Then, I whipped out my phone to order food. "Dad? Daphne? Waddya guys want for dinner?"


My dad chuckled. "Ok then, we're getting noodles. However, 'noodles' might not be an option if your brother gets a girlfriend."

My heart instantly sank at this. He expects a girl? Nonononononono... I can't tell him! But he's my father... I have to. Alright, we'll discuss it after dinner.

...~After dinner was eaten and Daphne was put to sleep~...

"Dad, can you stays for a bit? I need to ask you a little something...", I pleaded my father, who just gave me a kind smile and said, "Sure."

We walked to the red couch which I feared I might not see again.

"Son, you look like you are sweating. Is the hoodie too hot? Do you need to take it off? Don't be afraid to-"

His talking was cut off by me bursting into tears. He was the perfect father. I absolutely could not loose him. Can I tell him? It's better than living in secret...

"Woah, woah, hold yourself still! What's wrong?! Please tell me..."

Between sniffles and tears I croaked out a somewhat ok conversation.

"R-R-Remember when you said I might get a g-girlfriend at d-dinner?"


"P-Please don't h-hate me for t-this... I t-t-think I like a b-boy!"


Horrible silence. My dad stared at me with his eyebrows raised in surprise. Then, he softly chuckled.

"C'mere my boy.", he said, pulling me into a bear hug. "You were so scared of asking me this? Of course I support you! It doesn't change the fact that you're my son. I cannot, under any circumstances, control your love life. My dear, I'm just happy, so happy, that you came out to me with honesty.

These words just made me cry harder. I wasn't hated. I was loved. He still loved me...

After a while of crying and shushing, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. 

"Daaaaaaaaad... I'm kinda sleepyyy..."

"Alright, sunshine."

All I could remember after that was being carried to my room and laid down on my bed. I got a kiss from my father on my forehead as he whispered "Goodnight, Gingerbread."

Then slowly the world around me began to fade into black as I slipped into unconscious.

(WOAH- Dis just ToUcHiNg- fr tho, this is cute.)

~Lemons away!

In the Rain | A Foxy x Doggy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now