Razor Headcanons

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Additional TW: Kidnapping and death

○ The boy probably started to get infatuated the first time you met

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○ The boy probably started to get infatuated the first time you met. For whatever reason you were walking through the forest and came across Razor who was hunting at that time.

○ It is not your appearance or something about your character that caught his attention, but your smell. Somehow it reminds him of home and family.

○ After you left, he directly went to the Wolf of the North asking him how it can be that you smell like his family even though you have no connection to it at all. The spirit explained to him that it may be that you are his soulmate.

○ At first the boy didn't grasp the meaning of these words. He did understand what the word itself meant but he didn't know what to do with the information.

○ The thing he did understand was that he had to get to know you better. Lucky for him that you didn't live that far away.

○ One morning the silver-haired male will just sit at your front door. You do recognize him and invite him over for a cup of tea.

○ This will be the beginning of a strange friendship as he starts hanging out with you for almost every day.

○ He doesn't talk that much, but instead follows you like a lost puppy or a shadow.

○ It does creep you out but you don't complain since everyone who bothered you before is creeped out by his presence too. And it's not like he means any harm. For you it was just a normal Razor.

○ Occasionally, he asks you questions about yourself, like your likes and dislikes and your hobbys.

○ Another benefit of his presence is that he helps you with the tasks you have to do during the day. Even if you aren't necessarily weak, a helping hand for carrying heavy things is always appreciated.

○ Officially the two of you will never be in a relationship. He doesn't know that you aren't aware about the soulmate thing. Since he has no experience with romantic relationships, he never makes a move on you.

○ For you it is just a normal friendship but unknown by you the male does sometimes act on his feelings - it is just that he always does it behind your back.

○ He loves to cuddle with you while you sleep and to inhale your scent. I always manages to calm his nerves.

○ If there is somebody showing interest for you, Razor will do his best to make you believe that this person is somebody who should be avoided.

○ He doesn't do this out of jealousy but because he geniuenly believes that this person is dangerous.

○ His distrust towards most humans is the thing that will destroy 'normality' for you. It won't take forever for a person to try something dangerous on you.

○ Razor will knock that person out and take you to safety. For him that is the forest with its wolves.

○ He would brings you to a cave where you are secured from possibly bad weather.

○ He would not understand why you complain to him that you prefer to be at your house. Isn't it way nicer to be inside the quiet forest with no human soul endangering your well-being? Don't you like him?

○ He will interpret your resistance as something like homesickness. For him the problem is that the cave has nothing familiar inside it besides him. Day after day he will bring more and more things from your home so that you don't miss your former home that much.

○ When that doesn't help, he will start giving you various presents.

○ In the case that you somehow escape his close watch, he will be confused at first. Why did you leave? Since he does believe that you love him back he will interpret the incident in a way which makes you the victim as somebody else probably forced you to leave.

○ Your freedom will be short-lived because hunting down a person is easy for the wolf boy. After having you found, he will constantly ask you who was the reason for your departure.

○ No matter what your answer ends up being, Razor will watch you even closer now than he did before.

○ When you get sick the boy will get any herb he can find so that you will get better in no time.

○ If the herbs show no effect on you and you die, he will be, as expected, devastated. The most important person in his life dying is a catastrophe. After a long time of mourning he will built a little memorial for you which he will vistit everyday for the rest of his life.

○ Overall, he is delusional and overly protective but besides that he isn't that bad.

○ Overall, he is delusional and overly protective but besides that he isn't that bad

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Man, that was crap.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy~

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