Chapter 22

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The doctor came to tell us that Max was out of surgery and doing fine. I was so relieved that I was able to get him to the hospital on time. The whole thing was thanks to Jace. I had to call him because I was so scared that I did not know what to do. Max was settled in a room with another boy his age and they quickly became friends. The little boy's name was Raphael and he was always in and out of the hospital with a bad kidney. He was behind in his school work and Jace started to tutor him every time he came to see Max and after Max was sent home. I watched how he was so patient with him that it gave me an idea and on the drive home, I decided to talk to him about it.

"Jace, I have been thinking. I think you should switch to pre-med and become a doctor. You are so patient with Raphael and you knew exactly what I needed to do with Max."

"Really, you think I should be a doctor?"

"Yes, I think you should consider it. I think you will be a great doctor."


Clary believes in me so much. She thinks that I will make a great doctor. I know that I do not want to run my dad's business and I am undecided in what I want to do. I took a deep breath and looked at Clary.

"I have decided that you are right. When I get back to school, I will talk to my advisor about switching to pre-med. It is not going to be an easy road and there will be times that we cannot do things together. You have to be sure that this is what you want me to do."

"Jace, I will stand by your side through everything. This is a path that I feel deep in my heart that you should follow. I know you will be great."

"Then it is settled as long as you are by my side, I will do anything you ask me to do."

I really love Clary and I cannot believe that I gave her such a hard time when she wanted to be my girlfriend. Now, all I can do is thank God that I let her wear me out because it was the best decision I have ever made. Now I have a woman who believes in me and always stands by my side. As soon as I went back to school, I took the necessary steps to get into pre-med and on my way to becoming a doctor.

"Hey, how did it go?"

"Great! I am officially in pre-med and have everything I need to apply to medical school."

"I cannot believe you did it! You took my suggestion."

"Why not? You suggested for me to fall in love and marry you and look how great things are working out."

I took Clary in my arms and kissed her. She was my rock and with her by my side, I feel I can do anything she wants me to. We went home to tell the family our news.

"My son, a doctor! That is great news."
My mom was so excited about the news.

"Son, I am proud of you no matter what you do."

"My brother, a doctor. Does this mean you will try to cure Raphael?"

"Max, let me get into medical school to become a doctor first, then I will talk about helping Raphael."

"Son, thank you for making my daughter happy. She told me this was her idea and you went along with her."

"Uncle Val, since her idea of my marrying her turned out so well, why not going to medical school."

"Jace, if you do not stop talking about my suggestions, you will be sleeping on the couch tonight!"

"Sweetheart, I really mean every word I have said. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I do not regret all the times you hounded me to love you."

I pulled Clary into my arms and kissed her before she could say another word. As always she gave into the kiss and was happy. Time went by and now I am studying for the entrance exam into medical school. Clary has been so supportive and has given me the space I need to study. She always brings me food, snacks, and drinks. She throws a blanket over me when I have fallen asleep at my desk or on the couch, but it paid off because I passed with a perfect score and was accepted. It has not been a hard road with Clary by my side.

Four Years Later

My handsome husband has graduated from med school and is going straight to our local hospital to do his residency. A year ago, I made a decision that surprised the whole family except Jace, because he was not surprised at all. One night after dinner, I told the family that I had an announcement to make. It was hard to get two words in since our parents jumped to the wrong conclusions.

"You are pregnant! That is wonderful and about time."

Aunt Celine could not contain herself in her seat and was twirling around with happiness. Jace had a shocked look on his face even though we have been using protection.

"No, I am not! Please give me a chance to speak."

The parents looked disappointed and Jace looked relieved. He wants kids just as much as I do, but we decided to wait to get our careers going first.

"I have decided after giving it a lot of thought that I am going to nursing school so that I can work side by side with Jace."

"What about your art, Clary? That is all you ever dreamed of, opening your own art gallery." My dad looked disappointed.

"My thoughts have changed after watching Jace work at becoming a doctor. I decided that I always want to be by his side, so I am going to be a surgical nurse."

"But sis, you ran around in circles the day I was sick! You had to call Jace so that he can tell you what to do!"

Max thought I was crazy, but Jace did not think so.

"I like it. Go for it. I can picture us working side by side. Me, the handsome doctor with his beautiful nurse by his side."

"Of course you would say that bro, you are married to her."

"No, I am not. I am saying it because I have a lot of faith in Clary and I know she can do anything she sets out to do. After all, she set out to win my heart and she did. My place is by her side while she goes to nursing school, just like she have stood by my side even when I did not deserve it."

That was settled. I am going to nursing school. While Jace was doing his residency at the hospital, I had my nose in my books studying to be a nurse. There were days without seeing each other, but when Jace was home, he made sure that I ate and drank something and threw the blanket over me when I fell asleep at my desk. One night he was lonely and carried me to bed so that he can sleep by my side. It paid off and soon I graduated. On the day of my graduation, Jace could not make it because he had to go to a medical conference with his mentor. I was disappointed because all the husbands and boyfriends were with my classmates, bringing them flowers and showering them with attention. There was a party afterward and I was sitting alone watching everyone having fun. When I looked up, I saw Jace standing at the entrance of the hall where the party was being held. He was drenched because it was raining outside, but he was here. Jace spotted me and walked fast towards me carrying roses in his hand. I ran to meet him and threw myself in his arms as he kissed me.

"I thought you were at a conference?"

"My thoughts were with you so I got on a flight and got here as soon as I could. Sorry I did not make it to the graduation."

"I do not care because you are here now, with me."

I was in heaven and Jace danced with me the rest of the night. I was proud of introducing my husband to those who did not know him as Dr. Jace Herondale.

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