Chapter 14

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I ran out of the school and kept running until I reached the park and could not run anymore. The path was in front of me, so I took the path and walked down to the stream, and stood there looking out into the water. The water was flowing slowly, and it was quiet. My tears started flowing without my control until they turned into sobs. I felt someone standing next to me, so I looked up to see Jace standing there. My thoughts went to the night that he told me he loved me and gave me my first kiss. I had to find out what he was doing here or how he found me.

"Jace, what are you doing here?" She asked me as she was wiping her eyes off her sleeve of the shirt she was wearing.

"I had a lot of things on my mind, started driving around, and ended up here. What are you doing here?"

"Same thing as you."

"So, I saw Simon on one knee holding your hand. Did he finally propose to you?"

"In a matter of fact, he did."

"Did you give him your answer?"

"I told him that I cannot, not now."

"So, does this mean you are thinking about it?

"Jace, right now, I do not know what I want. Anyway, why should you care since you are going to get married soon."

The next thing I know, Jace pushed me against the tree behind me and crushed his lips to mine desperately. Then the kiss slowed down as if it had different meanings for Jace. All that ran through my mind was how much I loved Jace and did not want to lose him. We had to break our kiss in order to catch our breath and I had to find out what this was all about.

"What was that?"

"It is a kiss."

"Jace, that was not just a kiss. You cannot kiss me like that if you are planning to go through with this arranged marriage. This is not fair to me. Goodbye Jace."

I ran up the path as fast as I could and hid behind some trees and waited until he left. Jace would catch up to me and then I would not know what would happen. This is something that has to be done, I had to let Jace go, no matter how it hurt. I saw him run to the end of the path and look around for me. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, walked to the car, got in, and drove away. I continued walking home and walked in, made sure Jace did not see me as I ran up to my room and locked my door. A few minutes later, Max text to see where I was. When I told him that I was in my room, he asked for me to unlock the door. As soon as I unlocked the door, Max walked in and locked it behind him. He turned around and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Clary, I overheard Jace talking on the phone to Mr. James about his meeting with the girl. It is going to be tomorrow at 11 in the morning at The Woods in Williamsburg."

"Why are you telling me this? What am I supposed to do?"

"Sabotage it, Clary, what else. I want you to be my new sister, not some stranger. My brother loves you and it is not fair that he has to marry someone else. My father's company is my father's responsibility, not Jace's. He deserves to be happy, with you, Clary."

"This is all crazy, what do you expect me to do?"

"We go to check out your competition and figure out what to do next,"

That was the plan, go to The Woods to see who this girl was and what she looked like.


My closet was full of nice clothes, and I had to pick out an outfit for this meeting with Ms. Robinson. All I kept thinking was about Clary and how she walked away from me. She left with Max about an hour ago, probably trying to avoid me. I was not looking forward to this meeting because I was in love with Clary, but I must help my dad. After I got dressed, I got in the car and drove to the restaurant. Mr. James was waiting outside with a beautiful blond. I shook hands with Mr. James, and he left us to our date. We walked in and after giving the hostess my name, she let us to our table. I noticed that Max and Clary were at a table trying to hide from me. Ms. Robinson and I walked to our table as I pretended not to see Max and Clary. My main goal is to make a good impression on Ms. Robinson.

"Ms. Robinson, I am Jace, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Please, call me Diane, and it is very nice to meet you too."

"May I ask you a question, why did you agree to this marriage?"

"My upbringing taught me that I am to do as my parents ask, and even though I believe I should make my own choice, I no father must have a good reason to make this arrangement."

"I see, so we both have this in common. My goal out of this is to save my father's company. Let us try to make the best of it."

We ordered our lunch and made small talk while eating and I asked Diane an important question.

"Diane, do you have a boyfriend, or in love with someone?"

"No, I do not, but I was hoping to find someone on my own when I was ready. How about you?"

"Yes, there is a special girl, but I have to do what is best for my family. That is why I said we are going to have to make the best of everything."

"I guess we need to. At least you turn out to be a very nice man."

"And you turn out to be a very nice woman. How about I take out to the symphony tomorrow night? We can get to know each other before your father sets a wedding date."

"I really would like that, Jace."

"So, it is a date then."

I walked her out of the restaurant and hailed a taxi for her, then went to get my car and drive home. The whole time I was talking to Diane, Max and Clary were watching me. I never let her know that I knew she was there. 

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