Chapter 1

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Here it is the first day of high school and I am keeping my hopes high that I will have a good year, even a good day. I got dressed in my best outfit consisting of black jeans and a pink T-shirt with a black cardigan. Simple but cute. I arrived at school and found my homeroom. We were to go to the auditorium to hear our welcome speech and whatever else the principal was planning to address. Luckily, I managed to get a front-row seat in front of the podium. The principal introduced himself and welcomed all the freshmen to our first day of high school. He introduced the freshman advocate who was going to address the freshman and other students on our first day of school. The principal said that he was at the top of his class at his middle school and a straight-A student. When he walked onto the stage I just gasped. He was the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my life. He was tall, with a very muscular body, with golden hair and the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, one blue and one brown with a blue ring around the brown. His lips were pink and full. When he smiled it was like the sun beaming on earth. Jace Herondale was his name. That is the boy I am going to marry. The day went by with no special incidents, but my mind was on Jace. I watched him every time I had the opportunity to. He walked around with another boy who had blue eyes and black raven hair. There were lots of girls trying to flirt with him, but he did not seem interested in talking to any of them, good luck to me. I tried to approach him so I could talk to him, but I kept chickening out. Lunchtime came and I met up with my friends from middle school, Izzy, and Maia. The topic of the course was Jace Herondale.

"Hey Clary, what do you think of Jace Herondale? Is he not gorgeous?"

"I love his eyes, but I think he is out of my league."

"Maia, you always say that. You need to have more confidence. I think you and Clary are both pretty."

"I am going to marry him if it is the last thing I do."

"Clary, did you say that?"

"By the angel, I cannot believe I thought out loud! You two were not supposed to hear that."

Izzy and Maia both looked at me and started to laugh. I felt embarrassed at what I said.

"Well, do you have a plan? I notice he does not talk to girls."

"I am not sure, but I will figure something out."

School ended and I went home. My dad was at work since he ran his restaurant. I started to go over the homework I had, but it was hard to concentrate since all I saw was Jace. I still did not know how to approach him since I am a wreck when I am near him. After thinking of the diverse ways to approach him, I decided to write him a letter telling him my feelings. I finished my homework quickly and sat down to write my letter to him. It had to be perfect and clear so that there were no misunderstandings. I was so proud of how the letter sounded. I am sure he will see how I fell in love with him from the minute he walked on the stage. 


Dear Jace,

My name is Clary Fray, and I am also a freshman. The day I saw you walk across the stage on the first day of school, I could not breathe. You are the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen. When I looked at your eyes and saw your smile, I fell in love with you. You are my first love because I have never felt like this before for any other boy. My dream is for us to get to know each other and eventually date, who knows what the future will bring? I will do anything to meet your expectations to be proud of me just as I am proud of you.

With all my love,


My dad came home and knocked on my door wanting to talk to me.

"Hey Dad, how are you doing? What do you want to talk about?"

"Our house is finished. We are going to move this weekend."

"Oh, Dad, it is great! I am going to miss this apartment, but having my room is going to be great."

The next day I went to school, hoping to run into Jace so that I could give him my letter. I started walking down the hall and he was standing there by the windows talking to his friend with raven hair. I pulled the letter out of my bag and approached him. My nerves had my hands shaking, but I was going to give him the letter.

"Hi, Jace. I have something for you, and I would appreciate it if you could read it in private. It contains some things I want to tell you, but I am too nervous to do so."

"No, I do not want your letter."

Jace started to walk away from me without even looking back. I stood there in front of all the students who were standing around looking at me. Then the whispers started about how a girl tried to give Jace Herondale a letter, asking him out. Everyone at school heard what happened and they knew who I was because of my red hair. I walked around the school with my head down trying to hide my face from the other students. I made my way to the lunchroom where Izzy and Maia were waiting.

"Clary, the whispers going around the school is that you asked Jace Herondale out and he shot you down in front of a bunch of students. Is this true?" Izzy asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"No, that is not the whole truth. I wrote Jace a letter telling him how I felt about him and asked him to read it in private. He said no and walked away from me without another word."

"I hate school gossip because, by the time it gets to the last person, the real story has been twisted." Maia was looking at me with a sympathetic look on her face.

"It is alright. I will have to come up with another plan."

Izzy shook her head and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Listen, Herondale shot you down. You should just give it up."

"I will not give up until I run out of ideas. Jace Herondale will be mine, no matter how long it takes."

"Wow, a girl with a lot of spunk. He will notice you eventually."

"Let us get off the subject. My dad and I will be moving into our new house."

"That Is great. We will come over and have a housewarming dinner."

We started talking about different things when Simon Lewis came over. He has been in love with me throughout middle school. Now he followed me to high school and has not given up.

"Clary, are the rumors true? Did you ask that Herondale guy out?"

"I did not ask him out. It was a letter that I wanted to give him, but he did not take it."

"Why go after Herondale when you have me? I have been in love with you since middle school. That jerk does not know what he is missing."

"Sorry Simon, I do not see you in that way. I want Jace and will keep trying until I finally wear him down and he marries me."


I was standing around talking to Alec when this redhead came up to me to give me a letter. She asked me if I could read it in private. I looked at her and said no, walking away from her without taking it. I must admit that she is cute, but right now I am not interested in dating anyone. Girls are nothing but a distraction while I am taking my classes to finish high school. She looked really upset, but I did not want to get involved with anyone.

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