Chapter 7

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Christmas Time


I was walking by the jewelry store and decided to look at the window. I spotted a beautiful gold bracelet that I pictured on Jace's wrist. I did not have enough money if I wanted to have it engraved. As I walked down the street, I passed the coffee shop. It had a help wanted sign so I went in to inquire about the job. I was hired on the spot, so now I will be able to get the rest of the money I need for Jace's bracelet. Layaway worked great with the money I had in hand. 


It is Christmas day and the family decided to exchange gifts. I was sitting in the corner reading while everyone was fuzzing over the gifts. My mom handed Clary a gift and she opened it right away. It was a beautiful picture frame. She looked excited with the gift and hugged my mom. Clary came to me and handed me a small, but long box. She took me by surprise because I was not expecting anything from her. Everyone watched as I opened it slowly revealing a gold bracelet. It was engraved with my name and herons on both sides of it. On the inside was one sentence. "Love makes you stronger." I am not sure why she engraved that on it, but it was a beautiful and thoughtful gift. My mom made a big deal about it.

"Where is your present for Clary? Did you get her one?"

"No mom, I did not. I did not think Clary and I were going to exchange presents."

"I know the perfect present for her. What about a picture of the two of you for her new picture frame. Now, stand together and Jace put your arm around Clary."

I put my arm around Clary and just as mom was going to take the picture, I whispered in Clary's ear. "One Caramel Macchiato, please."

Clary pulled away with her hands covering her mouth. That was the one picture for her new frame. I started laughing at her expression.

"You knew?"

Of course, I knew. You are in love with me and will do anything for me. Like you said once.

Dear Jace,

My name is Clary Fray and I am also a freshman. The day I saw walk across the stage on the first day of school, I could not breathe. You are the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen. When I looked into your eyes and saw you smile, I fell in love with you. You are my first love because I have never felt like this before for any other boy. My dream is for us to get to know each other and eventually date, who knows what the future will bring. I will do anything to meet your expectations to be proud of me just as I am proud of you.

With all my love,


That is when Clary slapped me hard across my face.

"You read my letter?"

"It was addressed to me."

"You refused it, so it was no longer yours. It was my private letter."

"It was addressed to me."

"Jace Herondale, do not speak to me ever again!"

She ran upstairs crying. Mom and dad looked at me with angry eyes and Val looked at me with disappointment. My brother just shook his head. I tried to apologize to Clary, but every time I would walk into a room, she would leave. At school, she did her best to avoid me putting lots of distance between us. 


Auntie asked Jace to take a picture with me for my new frame since he did not buy me a gift. She asked him to put his arm around me and he did. Just when auntie was going to take the picture, he whispered in my ear.

"One Caramel Macchiato, please."

I pulled away from him and put my hands over my mouth in shock, just as auntie took the picture. 

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew, after all, you will do anything for me because you love me. Just like you told me in your letter.

Dear Jace,

My name is Clary Fray and I am also a freshman. The day I saw walk across the stage on the first day of school, I could not breathe. You are the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen. When I looked into your eyes and saw your smile, I fell in love with you. You are my first love because I have never felt like this before for any other boy. My dream is for us to get to know each other and eventually date, who knows what the future will bring. I will do anything to meet your expectations to be proud of me just as I am proud of you.

With all my love,


That is when I slapped him hard across the face. I was angry and humiliated that he let the family know about the contents of the letter. I did not even tell my dad about it.

"You did not have the right of reading that letter. It was private."

"It was addressed to me, so I read it."

"It was my private letter."

"Again, it was addressed to me."

"You lost the right to read it when you refused it. After that, it was not your business. Jace Herondale, do not talk to me again, ever."

I was in tears and ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door. Why am I torturing myself with love for Jace when he is so hateful, selfish, and rude. This is it. As of today, I hate Jace Herondale. My love will be saved for someone who deserves it. Jace tried to apologize but I would not give him the chance. Every time he would come into the room, I would walk out. In school, I did my best to avoid him and put distance. One day I walked out of class and Sebastian Verlac was standing by the door waiting for me. I was surprised because he has never tried to talk to me. He is blonde but not golden like Jace, tall, slender and good-looking. His eyes were green but light color. He asked me if I would have lunch with him.

"Hey Clary, I was waiting for you. Would you have lunch with me?"

"Sure, why not."

We walked to the lunchroom and he purchased my lunch and found a table in a quiet corner of the lunchroom. Maia, Izzy, Simon, and Jace were all watching me. I was nervous but I do want to move on. Chasing Jace has done nothing but cause me heartache.

"Well, not that I do not appreciate you buying lunch, but what brought this on? You have never shown any interest in me before."

"I am sorry that I have not approached you before, but I was led to believe that you were Herondale's girlfriend. Now that you two broke up, I got the courage to ask you out. I mean asking you to lunch so that I can ask you out."

"Well, Jace and I have never dated. Our parents are good friends and I fell in a situation where we, my dad and I, have been staying with them while our new house is being built."

"Oh, wow. Then how about going to a movie with me tomorrow night. We can catch an early show so that I can get you home early."

"Sure, why not. I can meet you at the movies."

"No, I have a car and will pick you up. I know where the Herondales live."

Well, this is my first step in moving on. 

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