Chapter 15 (end)

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Flash forward to graduation day (end of May)

George tightened the tie of Dreams suit and smiled up at him. "You made it."

"We made it."

After George saw how sorry Dream was regarding the Dylan situation, they took the day off and watched movies, had snacks, snuggled together and smoked joints on the roof while watching the sunset. After that, the rest of the year was smooth sailing, George got into an arts and computer design college in Denver Colorado and Dream was just glad he had enough credits to walk and get a diploma.

George planted a warm kiss on Dreams lips. "I love you."

It had been almost five months since the incident and George just started letting Dream touch him sexually a few weeks ago. They still hadn't fully had sex though.

Dream smiled goofily, any chance he had to taste those lips, he took it without question. "You excited to get your diploma today?"

"Of course." George smiled that pretty smile. "I can't believe the years finally over."

"Mmm." Dream kissed George again. "I can't either. We're out of school, baby. Late nights, drinking, parties, swimming, beach trips-"

"Preparing for college."

Dream winced. Everything about George going all the way to Colorado for college made him nervous- he was going to be so far away, he was going to meet new people, try new things, live in a dorm with someone, it was just so scary. "Right, college."

"Hey, don't look so down." George kissed Dream. "I'll be back before you know it, and you said you'll visit and send packages, right?"

"Yeah, but what if you find someone new?" Dream didn't hold back, it was an insecurity that George couldn't ease until he proved that he was going to be completely loyal while being so far away.

"How could I even find someone new while missing you so much?"

"Because they would replace me?" Dream sighed. "Never mind this, we'll discuss it later. Let's go graduate high school."

George pulled away from Dream and bounced with excitement as they left the apartment. He was jumping in his seat the whole car ride and skipped around Dream when they got there. "Dream, it's almost over!"

Dream smiled fondly at George. "You're so cute." They went into the school and slid on their caps and gowns before heading to the football field.

"Dream it's finally over- all the bullshit is finally over."

"For me," Dream replied as they sat next to each other in lined chairs on the field. "you have to go back to school in a few months."

"Yeah but it'll be so much more relaxed and I get to learn things I'm interested in."

"Oh, did you hear Mr. Robinson is handing out the diplomas this year?" Dream slung his arm over Georges shoulder. "I'm gonna miss him."

"Didn't you hate him?" George rested his head on Dreams arm.

"No, but he did get under my skin." 

"Mm, he was like my favorite teacher all four years."

"Me too, he was so patient with me and told me I had a shot even though I was an obvious failure."

"You're not a failure, Dream. You're about to graduate."

Dream shrugged. "And then what? I'll be working at a bar for the rest of my-" He was cut off by Mr. Robinsons voice through a microphone.

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