chapter 14

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Somewhat graphic description of rape(pre-rape not when it happens + talking about it afterwards) | fighting | vomiting | angst feelings / emotions

~Fast forward to January, the day they go back to school~

George slammed the alarm off and turned to face Dream. "It's time for school."

"No." Dream grunted and pulled George closer. "We're sleeping."

George shook Dreams shoulder after squeezing out of his arms. "Get up, for real. You haven't been to school in months this won't be excused."

Dream rubbed his eyes and sat up. "You'll pay for this."

"For making you go to school?" George slid a large t-shirt over his shoulders and walked out of the bedroom. He didn't fully recover from his illness until New Years Eve, but his fever didn't ever get as high as it was that first day.

"Yes." Dream deadpanned and followed George into the kitchen. "I'm just having a Monster."

"Please eat," George whined as he cracked an egg into a skillet. "you're going to run out of energy by third period."

"I don't care." Dream opened the fridge and pulled out a white Monster. 


Dream slumped into his first period seat with George next to him. "Can we skip?"

"Shut up." George rolled his eyes. He'd been listening to Dream complain about school for the last two hours and was done with his attitude.

Dream leaned his head back. "I wanna go home now."

George rubbed his temples. "If you don't shut up-"

"Let me go homee."

Mr. Robinson walked up to Dream and George. "Dream, welcome back."

Dream lifted his head. "I want to go home."

"I'm sorry for your loss, I hope you had a full recovery."

Dream looked at the table. "Who could fully recover from that?"

That was when George realized exactly why Dream didn't want to go back to school. "Hey, Dream?"

The blonde turned his head to his boyfriend. "Yeah?"

"Just say thank you." George reached over and rubbed Dreams back. "He's trying to be nice."

Mr. Robinson nodded. "Did you have a good break?"

"I had to take care of my sick boyfriend for half of it." Dream groaned.

"I had scarlet fever." George replied, almost proudly. 

"How was your Christmas?"

George held out his hand, showing off the ring. "I got a promise ring."

"I spent a lot of money on a promise ring."

"I can see you two are together?" Mr. Robinson inspected the ring. "It's beautiful, George."

"I'm the one who fucking bought it why does George get the compliment?" Dream muttered.

"It's beautiful, Dream."

George gently scratched Dreams back in a comforting manner. "He's just being nice."

Dream brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. "I know."

"How was your New Years?"

Dream cracked a small smile. "We went to the roof of my apartment and watched the fireworks."

Both of You | Part 2 of the Steven Universe SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now