Chapter 1

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The rest of the night dragged by for George, and he tiredly sat at his first period desk in the clothes he slept in. He didn't have breakfast, and didn't even bother to brush his teeth or hair.

Dream on the other hand, had snuck back to his apartment around five-thirty in the morning, and was wearing a white hoodie and adidas pants, his hair brushed and his teeth were pearly.

"Hey." Dream turned to George, and he looked at him with tired, puffy eyes and an exhausted expression.

"Yes?" George didn't feel like being patient with Dream, knowing there was nothing between them anymore, and that there never was.

"Hey, don't give me attitude."

Everything Dream said made George want to cry, and he didn't know how to handle his feelings so he wiped his eyes and stared at the desk. "Sorry."

What's he going to do? Choke me? I wish.

"You look awful." Dreams tone was soft, and he couldn't get over how red George's eyes were from crying.

George suddenly got a rush of nausea and stood up, running out of the classroom.

Mr. Robinson made eye contact with Dream as the rest of the kids also turned and looked at him. the blonde shrugged, and Mr. Robinson mouthed. 'Go check on him.'

Dream got up and walked to the door, examining the classroom, the kids still staring. "What?"

Every student turned around, and Dream rolled his eyes and left the room to begin his search for George.

After looking in three different bathrooms, he walked in another one and found George throwing up in a toilet. "George?"

George groaned and flushed the toilet, then shakily stood up and walked out of the stall, and sat by the wall where George had started feeling Dream up in his dream. "Hi, Dream."

"What's going on? I mean I know you had that Dream, but is there something else?"

George sniffled, and tilted his head back. "Dream?"

"Yeah?" Dream sat across from George and made desperate eye contact with him.

"If I tell you, you cant tell anyone." George couldn't keep it to himself any longer. He had to talk to someone about it, even if they were the one in his dream.

"I swear I wont tell a soul."

George scrunched his eyebrows and brought his knees to his chest. "It was you in my dream."

Dream was speechless, and all he could muster was a wimpy. "Oh."

"I know, it's weird, but you were so kind to me. You washed my hair, you made sure I was fed, and you made me feel loved. You made me feel like I was more than some burden."

Dream watched Georges eyes tear up, and warm sadness crept out of them and down his cheeks. "George,"

"I needed to tell someone."

"George, I know I told you I'd try something with a guy, but I also told you I cant do relationships. I don't love people." Dream felt bad saying it, because he knew it would hurt, but he also knew he had to let George down before it got any more serious.

George looked at his knees and let himself cry. "I know."

"I'm so sorry."

George rubbed his forehead.

I'm going insane.

"Did I look like me?"

"You looked, smelt, and sounded just like you. It's just, I don't know you well enough to paint you as person so my mind made up these actions and it just- it hit so fucking hard."

Both of You | Part 2 of the Steven Universe SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now