Out With The Brat Pack

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"Now what."

Endeavor stared at his still flaming fist.
Though the tumult that had been overwhelming him was slowly decreasing, it was still far from gone.

He had finally managed to destroy that goddamn footage.

The goddamn piece of film which mere sight, for over twenty-nine years, had been enough for his stomach to twist, making it impossible for the redhead to so much as approach the cardboard box it sat in.
(And making it just as paradoxically impossible to set fire to — because it would have felt like he was killing Saakiwa a second time.)

However, now that both he and All Might had talked it over, for a brief instant it had felt differently.

Endeavor wasn't sure how he had found the strength to burn the film, it had been an urge. (He hadn't even reacted at Fuyumi being aware of its existence.)

"Sometimes you just can't save everyone."

All Might's words still played over and over again in his mind.

So did the sensation of his hands cupping his face, his forehead against his as he had closed his eyes — and that sudden, overwhelmingly tight embrace, which had felt so fucking goo-


Endeavor shut his eyes and grabbed his face with both hands with a pissed grunt.

Now he was exhausted AND lost.

The same question had been ringing over and over again in his head, ever since they parted at the door of his office.

"Now what? ...How are things going to be between us from now on?"

He absolutely HATED when he didn't have the upper hand on something. He was the literal embodiment of control and self-control.
But it seemed like all of his barriers still had no weight when Toshi was invo-

Endeavor's eyes snapped open as he realized just how he had just thought of All Might.
How naturally the blond's nickname had slipped several times, too.

That moment, right before he had left his office.

And the brief but undeniable brush of his hand against All Might's, when he had reached to open the door for him.

... Shit.

How come the Symbol of Peace still had this effect on him, after all those years of demonizing him?!

How come he had sounded so unconditionally supportive, after hearing from the Flame Hero himself how he had caused the fucking DEATH of his classmate out of an overly selfish, reckless stun-

The sudden ringing of his phone startled Endeavor, almost causing him to flame up.

He instantly deactivated his Quirk before the device ended up like all former ones — yet he hesitated to pick up.
(If it was Fuyumi calling to make sure he was okay, he sure was thankful that she cared so much... but he knew he couldn't confide in her for that kind of matter. He doubted his daughter would understand, no one could without all the elemen-

Hell, no one beside he and All Might could, even with all the elements.)

The phone eventually stopped ringing, and there was the tone of a message being received.
Endeavor grabbed it to have a look-
and his brain straight out paused.

"Eri-chan says thanks."

The new N°1 Hero stared at the screen for a long while, both touched and confused.

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