Open Doors - part 2

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Why PRECISELY during the UA open doors?!

Izuku hesitated between going for the world's biggest facepalm, or a whine of frustration as Inko's eyes grew wide.
Shit shit shit!!

- You stay with Todoroki-kun, okay?? he told her, gesturing to his boyfriend with a nod since the latter was way better at keeping his cool (no pun intended).

The green-haired teen went right to Eraser Head, instantly followed by Tenya who was all ready to receive their teacher's instructions, while the rest of the class instinctively surrounded their parents.

"Hold on, all classes are over now and nobody was notified about the open doors except for our parents", Izuku thought as he breathed in, to calm down. "So technically this must be a simula- wait, why is Aizawa-sensei staring at me...?"

The brunette had just shot him his signature weary scowl as he rubbed his temples.

The hero in training deadpanned, and wanted to disappear into a hole.
(Granted, he did have a tendency to attract mayhem, but that didn't mean he was to blame EVERY TIME...!)

Present Mic frowned as he leaned into the shorter man's ear.

- I don't recall Headmaster Nezu scheduling any fire simulation for today, do you? he whispered so low Izuku almost didn't hear him — except that he did and it was enough to make him hyperventilate, especially when he spotted Eraser Head shaking his head no.

"... Crap, s-so this is REAL-?!"

His homeroom teacher kept his composure and cleared his throat, addressing the whole group.

- Okay. Class 1-A, you're gonna lead all parents outside the UA without panicki-

Of course he was immediately interrupted by whispers rising from the group — and everybody began to speak at the same time.

- W- so this is NOT a simulation?!
- I thought UA was under high surveillance!!
- AaaaAAAHHHhh I don't wanna DIIIE!!
- Mineta just shut your FUCKING MOUTH, you're scaring every-

- ALL OF YOU, shut the FUCK UP and just LISTEN!!!

Katsuki's mother's intervention was followed by immediate silence.

...Even the fire alarm itself stopped ringing.

Eraser Head shared a confused look with Present Mic and opened his mouth-

but he closed it right away as Midnight stormed in, soaking wet, her face a deep shade of crimson and her arms crossed over her chest as she laughed her MOUTH OFF.

It took the young woman a couple seconds to recompose herself.
Then she cleared her throat and shot the group her usual seductive smile.

- Please forgive me for the disturbance, it was a false alarm~! she purred. Coast is clear now, don't worry. I, uh, caught the culprit, so the visit can continue~!



- HAH! I'm sure it was that MORON from Class 1-B, he's been doing all he can to provoke us!! Katsuki spat in a double explosion. The fuck is he at, I'm gonna MURDER HI-

Mitsuki cut him short with a smack in the back of the head.

The blonde teen's outburst seemed to snap everyone else out of their torpor though.
Eraser Head gestured to the corridor with his chin and offered to keep going indeed (and then he discretely elbowed Present Mic, with a dead scowl at Midnight).

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