What You Want

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Izuku chewed on his pencil, trying his hardest to focus despite Midnight's eyes on him. He glanced toward Shōto in the back of the class — and the older teen gave him a slight nod, showing he was reflecting as well.
Now, all they needed to do was arrange for All Might and Endeavor to face each other again.

Although the Symbol of Peace no longer had the right to teach at UA, he still held some kind of consultant-like position and continued supervising hero training along with Eraser Head.

However, Endeavor wasn't exactly supposed to walk into UA whenever he felt like it.
His son retaking the temporary permit exam had been an exception; and so had Eri's rescue of cour-

- -ya! Hey, Midoriya~!

The brunette's call snapped the green-haired teen out of de sa rumination and he instantly sat still, cold sweat running down his neck.
- A-Ah, sorry sensei!

One hand on her hip, Midnight paused to gaze at him with a smirk.

- You seem to have something pretty heavy on your mind, don't you...? Why don't you come tell me all about it after class~? she purred.

The hero in training flushed a deep crimson and vigorously shook his head.
- N-No thanks, I'm good! Really!

(Crap, was she never going to give him a break?!)

There was a pregnant pause, during which the 18 pairs of eyes of the rest of Class 1-A traveled from Izuku to Midnight in confusion — apart from Shōto, who knew what it was all about-

Tenya suddenly rose from his chair (and if Izuku could have bent down to show his recognition for being saved, right now, his head would have literally hit the FLOOR.)

- Sensei! If I may, I have a question of utmost importance about tomorrow! he exclaimed. I didn't get to ask Aizawa-sensei this morning since he didn't look, well, very... awake! And Yamada-sensei really talks a lot so I couldn't place a single word during his class either-

Midnight cut him short with a loud snort.

Izuku's eyes widened and he froze on his seat  — and proceeded to rack his memory for what on EARTH the class president may be referring to.

"Oh my god, what's happening tomorrow..?With this week's drama and unscheduled mock exams I've been having some trouble keeping up with UA life! H-Have I forgotten something super important?!"

Tenya cleared his throat.

- Ahem! As it turns out, my parents won't be able to make it! However my brother offered to come in their place, even though he attended UA not so long ago!

Izuku's brain short-circuited.
He repressed a monumental facepalm, as it all came flowing back to him like a slap.

Eraser Head had spent the last few weeks literally HASSLING Class 1-A to make absolutely sure that ALL parents would be able to come to the UA open doors.
All Might had been the one to suggest that kind of event to Headmaster Nezu, who had found the idea excellent. It would be a perfect opportunity to show parents how the real fortress that was the academy, held everything necessary for the training and protection of young heroes in training and-

Midnight stared back at Tenya for several seconds, as she seemed surprised by the question.

Then she nodded.

- ...Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. I don't see how it'd be a problem. I'll go tell Headmaster Nezu, okay? ...Hold on, you know what, I'll go right now and let you know right away. Class dismissed, have fun!~

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