Kageyama POV IV

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⚠️fighting, Mention of @bu$3/Implied r@p3⚠️
~Kageyama POV~
"WHERE IS HE?!" A loud, familiar voice rang through the restaurant. Everyone else there went silent. I was still around the corner from where the shout had come from, so I couldn't see what was happening. A man who looked to be in his late 30s covered a young girl—who I assume was his daughter—'s ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHERE IS HE'?!" I could hear Hinata yell back. Oh god. Hinata's getting into a fight with a stranger. I rush around the corner in an attempt to aid my best friend knowing he was probably too small to fight a stranger who he knows nothing about and win. "Hina-" What. The. Fuck. Instead of seeing a random weirdo, I see my former teammate and upperclassman, Iwaizumi?

'Why is he here? God why is he here?! Why is he targeting Hinata?! What the hell's going on?!'


"KAGEYAMA!" Iwaizumi shouted as he dropped Hinata to the ground. He ran towards me quickly and grabbed me by the shoulders. I flinched slightly. Thankfully, he noticed and took his hands off of my shoulders. "Thank goodness you're okay! Kunimi was worried sick! Why were you late?" Iwaizumi was asking too many questions at once, it was very overwhelming. Suddenly, Hinata stood up. "Stop asking him so many questions, you'll make him anxious." I'm really glad he's my best friend, he wouldn't ever leave me. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and turned his head to face Hinata. I used this chance to back away from the big crowds. Hinata then continued again, "And if this Kumini guy really was worried he would of texted Kageyama to make sure he was okay, he never did. Kageyama doesn't owe you an answer to any of those questions you dirtbag."

The room went dead silent.

Before there were some whispers of the people watching but now, nobody dared speak a word.

"What did you just say to me?" Iwaizumi's voice was filled with rage and annoyance, his tone daring Hinata to repeat what he said. Hinata isn't the smartest person in the world, but his instincts are amazing. He'll back down when he knows he should, but that's not what he did.

"I said he doesn't owe you anything you dirtbag. How many times am I gonna have to repeat it to get the message into your thick scull?" Hinata replied in a witty voice. I look back and forth quickly between the two. Iwaizumi turned his entire body around so he was entirely facing Hinata.

Not a good sign.

'Please don't start fighting. Please please plea-'


Hinata was on the ground holding his nose which was bleeding and crooked. My eyes go wide and they move to Iwaizumis's fist.

His knuckles were a pinkish-red and there was just a small hint of blood.

'Fucking hell'

"Iwaizu-" I started to say as I was backing up away from what had just happened.

*stomp* *slap* *thud*

Hinata had stood up and slapped Iwaizumi across the face and immediately after punched him in the stomach.

Children were crying as people ran for the exits or covered their kids eyes and ears. The two in front of me starting fighting even more violently. Blood was on the floor. yells and screams could be heard from the two. Employees were trying to break up the fight but just ended up getting hit as well.

It was all too real.

It was scary.

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