Kunimi POV I

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                           ~Kunimi POV~

   Karasuno's number 9, Kageyama Tobio. That little bitch. He's such an arrogant person, back in middle school, he would try to control the entire volleyball team. Just like the selfish dictator he is. Kageyama Tobio, I swore that I would get revenge, and I'm going to stand by that.

  It's the middle of practice when I lean over to Kindaichi. "Hey, when do you think Karasuno will get her-" 

  I was interrupted by the sound of a bus pulling up to the gym. 

"Guess they answers my question."

   The entire team slowly made their way outside to greet Karasuno. The crows got off the bus, but I could tell they were missing someone. I looked at each member of the Karasuno volleyball team. 'Kageyama! That's who they're missing. Is he still on the bus?'  

 Their team captain walked up to Oikawa and shook his hand. 'I want to know where Kageyama is'  I sighed, I guess I have no choice but to ask them. I slowly walked towards Karasuno's #5 "Uhm, excuse me. Do you know where Kageyama is?" I asked "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH KAGEYAMA?! ARE YOU LOOKING TO START A FIGHT?!" He answered as he started a crack his knuckles 

 "I- uhm- s-sorry-" I started to back away from him, they're captain looked over at the kid with the buzz cut, and ran over to stop him from attacking me. 

"I'm very sorry about him." He said, "We're you asking him a question? I can help if you were."

"I was uh, just asking where Kageyama was.." 

"Oh, Kageyama is still on the bus, he's making sure we didn't forget anyone."

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem! ALRIGHT TEAM! LET'S HEAD TO THE GYM AND START WARMING UP!" The captain yelled to the team. Karasuno started to make their way to the gym, while Kageyama was still on the bus. 'Maybe I should go check to make sure he's okay- NO! Why do I care? Without Kageyama we're sure to win! But, it's only a practice match.. ah, screw it! I'll just check to make sure he's okay."

I start to make my way onto Karasuno bus. I'm standing in front of all the seats, just to see Kageyama on the floor with what looked like a deep cut. It seems like he was looking for something, a first aid kit most likely.

"Hey, do you need any help?" I ask him, while I slowly start walking towards him.

Kageyama whipped his head around and saw me moving closer and closer. His eyes widened, and he started shaking violently. Was he... scared of me?

"S-stay back! D-don't hurt me!" He started shaking even more now. I stopped, wondering if that would help him. It didn't. I saw a tear roll down Kageyama's face, and he put his arms up in defense.

I didn't know what to do, so I started to walk towards him again. When I was right in front of him, I stopped, and knelt down to try and help. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. 

"H-hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. Don't worry!" I looked around me and saw a white and red first aid kit. I quickly grabbed it and looked for any bandages, eventually I found some and took them out of the box. I grabbed his arm and put the bandages over the cut, then I secured it with some tape.

I stood up, and reached my hand out so I could help Kageyama up, but he flinched. 

"W-what are you doing?!" Kageyama asked terrified 

"I'm just helping you up, that's all."


"Tobio please, I only want to help.."


"Yes, you will." I knelt down and picked Kageyama up, I then proceeded to walk off the bus. 

Kageyama was trying to get me to put him down, but I wouldn't. When I got inside the gym, Kageyama was in tears. I dropped him off with the rest of Karasuno, and then proceeded to head  over to Seijoh's side of the net.

"Dude, why did you come into the gym carrying KAGEYAMA?!" Kindaichi asked me

"I don't know, but let's just focus on winning this practice match." I replied 

(Chapter 2 end, 716 words)

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