Chapter LXI - The Ring

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Lizzie stretched out as she woke, taking in a deep breath as she reached over to Bucky's side of the bed and groaning when her hands came up empty. She pulled herself towards his pillow and inhaled, breathing in the faint traces of him as she slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the room. Bucky was no where to be seen and neither was Dugan.

She reached across to the bedside table to check her phone and froze; the glimmer of the diamond catching in the soft sunlight streaming through the window. She twisted her hand and watched as her mom's ring glistened and light refracted and she smiled, a small laugh bubbling within her as she contemplated it all. She was engaged to James Buchanan Barnes. A whole lifetime had passed between them and yet she still felt the same flutter of excitement that had consumed her when she looked into his eyes. She still felt the calm of the sea washing over her when he whispered her name. She still felt every inch of her yearn for him when he wasn't close to her. Only now she knew she'd never have to miss him again.

Deciding to leave her phone behind Lizzie rolled out of bed and skipped into the bathroom to get ready for the day, humming an old song to herself as she turned on the hot water and stepped into the steam of the shower.


Bucky sat on the floor by the couch, the puppy bundled on his lap and chewing on the metal finger of his left hand as he glanced up at the morning news show Tony insisted was put on every screen in the compound. He shook his head at yet another misleading opinion piece on The Avengers filling the screen and turned his attention to the fluff ball in his arms.

"When do you think Mumma's gonna get up, huh?" He booped the puppies nose and tickled his tummy as he laughed.

Standing quietly at the foot of the stairs Elizabeth watched as he cooed and messed around with the tiny puppy and her heart soared. In the soft morning light he seemed peaceful. She ran her eyes over him in his casuals; a tight navy t-shirt and grey joggers, his hair tied in a low bun and soft tendrils falling in his face, and she couldn't keep herself from his side for a moment longer. She adored how domestic it all was and all she wanted in this moment was to curl up in his arms and spend the day by his side.

"How are you so adorable when you're so...?" Her eyes ran over him as he turned to her, a shining smile lighting up his face as his crystal eyes met hers and her heart did a little jump. "Dammit Barnes, you made me lose my words."

Bucky chuckled as he beamed up to her, watching as she walked towards him and reaching up to pull her down to him when she was within his reach.

"If it isn't my beautiful bride." He kissed her tenderly, holding her against him as she wrapped one arm around his neck and placed her other hand against his cheek. "Hey Doll."

"Hi Handsome." She kissed him again, smiling as his arms tightened around her and he pulled her over his lap, Dugan jumping up at them both, growling and barking as he bounced beside her. She pulled away and gently stroked Dugan, giggling as he lapped at her hand and his tail wagged furiously. "Hey baby."

Bucky watched as she gave her undivided attention to the golden puff ball and he felt his chest warm with adoration. He had doubted himself when he went to pick him up yesterday, he had thought maybe it was too much, but now he knew it was perfect. It was the start of the little life they had dreamt of.

"Buck?" Lizzie's voice was high and childlike as she fluffed up Dugan's fur and smushed his face.

"Yes Doll?" He kissed the back of her neck, pushing her hair aside and trailing patterns over her skin with his fingers.

"I have a question."

"I gathered." He chuckled as he brushed his lips against her neck again. "Ask away Doll, I'm an open book for you."

Elizabeth turned back to face him, still happily wrapped in his arms on his lap and focused on the navy flecks hidden in her favourite shade of blue. She smiled peacefully as she swam in his gaze. Her question was important to her, it was special to her and she was sure that no matter what his answer was she would be happy, and yet she still wanted to ask.

"How did you know Buck? That I would want my mom's ring?" She held her breath as he smiled at her, reaching up to gently pull on her chin, forcing her to stop chewing her lip. "And come to think of it, how did you even find it?"

Bucky shifted beneath her, wrapping around her and holding her close as he lifted her with ease and pushed himself to his feet. Slowly he lowered her to the ground, wrapping his arms around her waist as she placed her hands against his chest. He searched her eyes, looking for the hint of pain he knew would be there and he smiled softly.

When Bucky had known her through words and distance he had learned how much she had missed her mother. He learned that she longed to make her proud, she ached to be the woman her mother had wanted her to be. And then, when he was wrapped around her in the dark tents of the base, whispering tales of their lives until the sun would rise he had realised something else: despite her fierce independence and her strength, she had longed to speak to her mother about the war. She had broken her own heart dreaming about the moment she could bring her soldier home to meet her mother, the moment she knew she could never have. She wanted her mom.

"Well." He brushed his fingers back and forth over the small of her back as he spoke, his voice hushed and gentle. "You wrote so much about your Mom in your first letters, and then when we were reunited you'd tell me about her when you were sad. So when I decided I was going to marry you, all the way back in that tiny, damp tent that was the happiest place in the world, I thought if you could have her ring then it would be like she was with you."

Her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears as he spoke and Bucky paused briefly, kissing her forehead as she let out a shaky breath.

"As for finding it, you kind of need to thank Stark for that." He shrugged as she looked up at him quizzically. "He found Sarah's granddaughter."

"Wait. Sarah as in..."

"Sarah as in your Sarah. She had a baby girl, in '49. She called her Elizabeth."

Bucky brushed away her tears as they fell.

"And Elizabeth's daughter had a box filled with things that her grandmother told her were 'the most important things'. They were your things."

Lizzie placed her head against Bucky's chest as he gently rubbed circles against her spine and she closed her eyes. Her heart was filled with love and adoration for this amazing man holding her tight, and for her friend. The friend she had thought of in passing but been so afraid to look up. She had been so afraid that she had left her alone. Sarah had been happy, she had known love, she had lived a full life.

"Thank you James," she whispered against his chest.

"I'd do anything for you Lizzie. This was nothing." He laughed softly as he rest his cheek against her head, closing his eyes and breathing in the calm. "I wonder if she'd have some of our letters? I didn't even think to ask."

When Elizabeth pulled away from his embrace and took a step back Bucky tilted his head to the side. He narrowed his eyes as one eyebrow cocked up, questioning her as she moved away from him.


"She won't have them." Elizabeth smiled and Bucky just became more confused.

"How do you know that?"

"Because Mr Barnes. I have them. I've had them this whole time, since just after Steve and I were puled from the ice."

Bucky ran his hand through the stray pieces of hair that escaped his bun, pushing them back as he tried to make sense of it all and Elizabeth giggled as she took his hand and pulled him down to the couch with her.

"Wait." He looked at her with inquisitive eyes. "Sarah's grandkid didn't know you were even alive. How?"

Elizabeth's eyes softened and her smile dropped slightly. He watched as a sadness crept into her from the murky depths of long suppressed memories and realisation dawned on him. He took her hand in his and nodded slowly.

"Peggy?" He gave a soft smile as she shrugged.


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