Chapter II - A Night to Remember

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Elizabeth ran around the tiny apartment frantically looking for the navy heels she had put away for special occasions.

"Sarah," she shouted, "have you seen my navy heels? The ones that match the dress? I can't find them anywhere." She got on her hands and knees and peered under the sofa in the cozy living room.

Sarah, just home from another shift at the hospital, shook her head as she peered around the door from the bathroom.

"Just wear the black ones Lizzie. They'll look fine."

"I don't want the black ones. I'm wearing a navy dress," she huffed, "and I don't want to look 'fine'. He's honestly such a handsome guy Sarah, and he's sweet. Really sweet. I want to look good. Great even!"

Sarah laughed and strolled over to her roommate. In all the years they had been together in New York, she had never seen Elizabeth quite like this. She was stressed, her hair was only half pinned, her make up yet to be finished, and she was currently crawling around the apartment looking for an old pair of heels that, quite frankly, had seen better days.

"Come on. My room now." Sarah helped Elizabeth to her feet and dragged her to the room at the end of the hall. "So, tell me about him."

She pushed Elizabeth into the seat beside her bed, taking pins from her nightstand and fixing her hair.

Elizabeth sighed with a smile.

"He has such kind eyes. They're this really clear, crystal almost, blue but there are tiny flecks of an almost navy colour in them and when he smiles... He has this lazy sort of half smile, and when he smiles like that his eyes crinkle at the edges. It's really cute, Sarah."

Sarah nodded, rolling her eyes, as she moved from her friends hair to her make up. She added a little rouge to her cheeks and lips before stepping back to admire her handy work.

"Just be careful Lizzie. You are always telling me that these soldiers are all up for a good time before going off to fight because they want the big glory story. I just worry that his baby blues have pulled you in too far already and you're kind of forgetting why you aren't one of those girls who swoons when a man in uniform shows up and flashes her a smile."

Elizabeth shook her head quietly. She knew Bucky wasn't one of those men searching for a story of glory, a legacy to leave behind, but she felt as though telling Sarah how she knew this would be betraying him somehow. "It's not like that. But anyway... those shoes won't find themselves."

"And you won't find them either." Sarah smirked. She turned away from Elizabeth and opened her closet. She carefully took a shoe box from the bottom of the closet and reached up for the red dress she had only worn once herself. "And you're not wearing that."

When Elizabeth stepped out of her room, having now convinced herself this was much too much for a night of dancing, she was brushing down the tightly fitted red skirt of Sarah's dress. Although Sarah was slimmer than she was, the dress fit well. Where it sat loosely on Sarah, it hugged the natural contours of Elizabeth's body, and it was a beautiful dress. But Elizabeth tended to lean more towards comfort and deeper colours. This bold look made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Sarah, I can't wear this. It's much too much. He's only taking me dancing... Sarah?" She looked over at her flatmate who was completely ignoring her, choosing instead to stare out of the first floor window with a look of appreciation. "Earth to Sarah! What are you looking at?" She bumped her friend with her hip as she stood beside her, laughing at the expression on her face, and took a look for herself. Her heart sped up immediately. There, holding a single red rose and talking to himself, was her date.

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