Chapter LVI - Shattered Peace

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The room was still and peaceful as Bucky stirred. He revelled in the quiet and calm, somewhat surprised he had slept soundly for a night of undisturbed rest.

There was a gentle breeze coming in from the open window and the warmth from the sunshine washed over him as he lay with his eyes closed. Beside him, Elizabeth lay close enough he could feel her, but not touching him, and he rolled to his side. He could feel her watching him and opened an eye.

"Elizabeth Halsted, go to sleep."

Elizabeth smiled softly. His voice was thick with sleep and he cleared his throat as his eye closed again and he gripped her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"I am asleep," she giggled as his arm wrapped around her waist and he sleepily nuzzled into her, kissing her hair.

Bucky chuckled as he remembered his time in the medical tents, watching her work her magic and soothe soldiers through the night. He recalled the first night, and how he had been caught sneaking glances at her as he waited for her to rest. That was the first night he held her in his arms and felt her slip into a restful slumber. He had thought then that he knew what love was, that he knew what it meant to love her, but now, holding her close to him after everything he had done, knowing she had forgiven him for things she still did not fully comprehend, knowing she would always forgive him, he felt devotion. He was devoted to her.

"You're a terrible liar Lizzie," He unwrapped his arms from her as she pushed herself up and gently brushed his hair off of his face. His eyes flickered open and he watched her as her eyes ran over his face and down his chest.

"Oh well," she smirked as she leant in close, her lips just a whisper from his, "now that we're both awake..."

His hands gripped her hips as he rolled back, pulling her on top of him, and he kissed her hungrily. She giggled against his lips as she felt his hands move over her waist, pushing the silk of her pyjama top up. As she pulled away from his kiss and removed her top, Bucky's fingers traced over the freckles on her stomach and he smiled widely at her.

"You're so beautiful Lizzie." His fingers skimmed up and over her sternum, brushing along her collar bone as he pushed her hair back and gripped the back of her neck firmly before pulling her back to his lips as if she was the very air he needed to survive.

She was pressed up against him, her skin so soft and supple beneath his fingers, and he shifted quickly so that she was beneath him, his free hand slipping down her side.

"Note to self; always knock."

Bucky pulled off of Elizabeth suddenly, throwing himself between her and the doorway as he ripped the blanket from the bed and threw it over her quickly. His face flamed with poorly hidden discontent and annoyance. His eyes flashed with a dangerous darkness as he glared at the man now standing in the doorway with his hands over his eyes and an alarming shade of red creeping up his neck and over his cheeks.

"God dammit Steve!" He sighed as he flopped back onto the bed, trying to control the urge to throw the bedside lamp at his best friend. "What could you possibly want right now?"

Slowly Steve peeled his fingers from over his eyes, carefully peeking over to the bed and praying he didn't see any more of the girl he considered to be his baby sister. He couldn't help but laugh with relief when he saw Bucky laying next to what appeared to be a small lump covered by the sheet. A lump that was muttering.

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God oh God oh God." Lizzie groaned from beneath the sheets, her mind racing as she desperately prayed that Bucky's reflexes had been fast enough to preserve her modesty.

As Steve laughed loudly she only felt the heat of her cheeks growing and she curled herself into a small ball.

"Hey Sweetheart," Steve grinned, "you coming out?"

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