Chapter XV - Dammit Dugan

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"Bucky! On your left!" Steve aimed his pistol and fired, taking down yet another Hydra operative. Bucky let out a tense breath as he watched the man fall from the branches he was hiding in.

The fight had just begun.

Between bullet spray and the shouts of operatives calling for back up, it was a cacophony of chaos. Dernier cried out as a German bullet lodged in his shoulder and Bucky dove into position in front of him, covering his comrade and protecting him. He fired off another three shots, taking out the targets, before he turned to see if his friend needed help.

"Jacques!" His voice was almost drowned out by the howl of the wind. "Jacques, you okay!? Talk to me!"

"I'm fine Barnes. Nothing one of the pretty nurses can't fix for me!"

Bucky laughed as he pulled Dernier to his feet and joined the ranks of his team, now clear in this area and descending onto the base itself.

"Let's get this done and I'll see if Lizzie can fix you up when we get back."

Dernier grimaced at the movement but pushed forwards.

"Actually, I was hoping you could get her to introduce me to the newest nurse on base. Suzie? The girl's got a great laugh."

"Yeah," Bucky grinned, "because it's her laugh you like!"


She was curled up on her bed, eyes closed and mind wandering to Bucky. The Howling Commandos had been on countless missions over the last few months, and Bucky kept his promise and came back to her every time.

When Elizabeth had failed to convince The Colonel to remove Bucky's name from Steve's list Steve had stepped in. He negotiated for her and ensured that they would return to base, and to her, after every mission.

It hadn't taken much to convince him, just the reminder that without Captain America he didn't have the Commandos and while Steve knew he'd fight regardless of The Colonel's decision, The Colonel did not.

The shifting rustle of the door to her tent drew her attention away from the tiny moments she was clinging to and back to the space around her.

"Doll? Are you sleeping?" Bucky brushed Elizabeth's hair from her face as he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her temple.

"Hey Barnes," she smiled as she turned to face him. "You're back." 

"Of course I'm back Lizzie," Bucky laughed, "I always come back."

Elizabeth looked at him, really looked at him, and tried to find any signs of injury. He was tired; his eyes had a haunted look that suggested he hadn't slept much in the week he had been gone, and when he had he had probably been trapped in his nightmares. His face was marked with stains of dirt and his uniform was stained with blood. Panic rose in her chest as she untangled her legs from the sheet on her bed and tried to sit.

"You're hurt. What happened?" Her voice was a strangled whisper.

"No Doll," Bucky interjected, "I'm not hurt, I'm okay. The blood's not mine. I'm okay."

She heard the hammering of her heartbeat settle and her stomach stopped its twisting as his hands held her face. Eventually she sighed and her shoulders slumped.

"Bucky, I don't know if I can keep doing this." She turned her face slightly and pressed a small kiss into the palm of his hand.

Bucky got off of his knees and sat beside Elizabeth, wrapping her in his arms, one hand stroking her hair as she buried her face in his chest.

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