Chapter XLVIII - Not a Need

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Lizzie giggled as Bucky pinned her arms to her stomach, holding her against him as he nipped and kissed at her neck. They'd been sparring for an hour and every round ended in the same way; Bucky holding her like this, with her back against his chest, making her feel like a teenager in the throes of a forbidden romance.

"Bucky!" Her laugh was light and airy as she pulled away from him, turning to see him grinning lazily. "We are training here Sergeant Barnes. And you are going easy on me."

"I'm doing no such thing Doll," he smirked as he stalked towards her and she pushed against his chest, shaking her head laughing.

"Fight me Barnes." She tried to growl, to sound intimidating, but he just grinned at her. "Fight me properly God dammit."

"Okay, okay!" He held his hands up in defeat and pulled back from her, grabbing his water from the side and thowing it over to her. He'd never experienced this side of Lizzie before, the side that was willing to challenge him, to push against him. He loved it. "Let's do this properly then. Hand to hand. Tap out if it's too much. And no going Time-Bomb on me. Got it?"

She rolled her eyes as she took a swig of his water and threw the bottle back towards him.

"I can beat you without exploding, and you know it." She grinned as she got into a fighting stance, pulling her hands up to block her face and he turned away.

Without warning he spun back on his heels to face her, swinging a training weapon in her direction and launching forwards. He was quick on his feet and when she blocked one hit he flipped the knife in mid-air and caught it in his opposite hand. Lizzie ducked as he swung again and rolled away from him, jumping back to her feet behind him and kicking him in the back of the legs.

He stumbled forwards, smirking as his girl put him through his paces. He clicked his neck as he flipped backwards, landing beside her, and pulled her into a tight grip.

She span, quickly twisting his arm so that his grip loosened on her wrist and she ducked down, flipping him over her shoulder with a loud grunt.

"Damn Lizzie." He grinned as he got back up and shook himself off. She smirked, beckoning him towards her with her fingers, her eyes shining with excitement and adrenaline.

As Bucky stalked forwards, rounding his shoulders and jutting his chin in the air, a cool countenance giving an air of control and authority Elizabeth charged. She jumped into the air and swung her leg out, kicking him square in the chest and sending him staggering back. He grunted with the impact and tried to wipe the look of pure, undeniable awe from his face. She was more than impressive, she was incredible.

"You're going to regret that," he licked his lips as he slowly trailed his eyes down her, revelling in the scarlet blush that followed the journey of his eyes as she stood before him.

"Hmm maybe. Or maybe I'll kick your ass Barnes." Her voice shook slightly, betraying the spark of nerves that were fanned into a full scale forest fire of want when he looked at her like that.

He was confident he had her now. Her voice trembling, the way her eyes seemed to flicker with something dark, something exciting. He could see her distraction and he took his shot.

It took everything in her not to smirk as he charged at her, he was too confident that her desire would cloud her judgement and that meant he was an easy target. She matched his pace, running forwards and jumping to wrap around him, with one arm positioned around his shoulders Elizabeth swung her body weight up, grunting with exertion as she wrapped a leg around his shoulder and swung down, pulling him to the floor as she self corrected, flipping him so he landed on his back and she landed just above him, crouching over his torso, one hand placed carefully beside his face as he stared up at her with an ear splitting smile and miles of incredulous wonder in the blue of his eyes.

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