pt/ 3 back where we started.

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*one day later*

y/n pov:

"MUMMMMM ME AND BRYCE ARE LEAVING FOR OUR FIRST DAY" ok honey have fun make friends, love you she said "love you too and i will" and with that me and Bryce started walking, you nervous Bryce asked yes no i mean yes but also no cause Avery is finally back from her dads and i will finally be able to introduce you to my best friend!!

{story pov}

as soon as Bryce and y/n hit the school hallway y/n saw Avery and she ran up to her and squeezed her as tight as she could as soon as she finished that she introduced Bryce and Avery and that was that. Avery and y/n didn't have their first class with Bryce so the wished him luck with math.

*lunch break*

*Bryce walks out of math class*

others pov:

"omg hey Bryce"

"hi Bryce.. oh my his so handsome"

"hey dude good job in math"

{story pov}

seems like Bryce was in the school for a couple hours and he was already the most popular junior in school all the girls over him and all the guys wanting to be his friend, *Bryce walks over to y/n and Avery* hey girls um the boys actually asked if i wanted to hang with them today is that okay?? "yeah go, have fun Bryce y/n said. thank you so much y/n he replied.


hey, y/n look i know you and Bryce are close and all so i just wanted to check with you, are you sure your okay with him being the guy that everyone wants to be and well really popular?

yeah I'm fine with that i love Bryce his my best friend y/n says hmmmm okay just making sure you know i love you y/n and just don't want you getting hurt.

y/n pov:

i know Avery and i love you for that and if I'm never not okay i ;promise ill come to you about it "good" she replies.

*after school bell*

still y/n pov:

just as me and Avery went our separate ways i walked out the front school doors to see Bryce and sherry, sherry stalls she's the most popular girl in or age group she was with Bryce my Bryce o thought i wanted to see what was gong on so i got a bit closer and listened in.

*Bryce and sherry's convo*
hey Bryce, i was wondering if you wanna hang out at the movies Friday? just the two of us Bryce replies? well yessss silly hahaha, oh ok um sure why not "WHATTTT" y/n thought cool see you then Bryce.

{story pov}

after hearing that conversation between Bryce and sherry y/n wanted to get out of there she was mad not because she was jealous but because she thought Bryce was to good for sherry well at least that's what y/n thinks the only reason is but we all know its way more then that.

after y/n got home and had a nap she decided to get ready and go see what Bryce was up to once she got to his door she saw Bryce and garret hanging out garret was always so mean to Avery and y/n in primary school for no reason, when y/n saw that she went to walk off until she heard Bryce call her name "Y/NNNNN" he yelled "yes" she says, hi what's up y/n this is garre- , y/n stopped him and says "Garret yeah trust me i know exactly who he is" y/n says.


oh hey y/n long time no see bahahh look Bryce if your mates with her your gonna have to choose, her or me man.

*garrets thoughts*

once i told him to pick i saw the look on both their faces like they didn't want to lose each other like they loved each other that's all i really want for myself a relationship like that, that's when i knew what i said was mean and i wish i didn't have to be rude but its easier that way then you wont lose anyone, but the again i was always kinda jealous of y/n and Avery they always had each other like no one else's opinions mattered cause they only needed each other uhhh I'm so so sorry y/n i thought.

y/n pov:

it was silent after Garret asked Bryce to pick between us i saw the look on Bryce's face like he thought he had no choice that he had to pick Garret even if that's not what he wants, so i decided to make easier for him.

"wow ok Bryce the silence proves you already made your choice"

and with that i walked away deep down i knew that's not what he wanted but if i ever mattered that much to him he would come back to me i thought.

*next morning*

{story pov}

y/n walked to school looking more blue then ever, so did Bryce but he was better and hiding it most likely cause y/n never really was sad so when she is she shows it.


y/n walked in the doors and i immediately new something was wrong and i think i may know what, "y/n what's wrong" i say "Garret he made Bryce choose between us" WHAT, WHAT DID HE SAY i ask? "he didn't say anything so i made the choice for him i walked off and haven't spoke to him since" wait why would you do that y/n? cause i know he didn't want to choose his not that type of person Avery. but y/n you now its okay to be selfish sometimes, to get what you want? yes i know Avery but id never want to put Bryce in a position where he feels like he has to choose "that's the difference" i say as i hug her.

Bryce pov:
its been nearly a whole day since I've spoke to y/n, i was walking through the school hallway as i see Avery hugging y/n i feel bad i didn't choose her i wanted to but i was scared and i know she walked off yesterday because she didn't want me to choose that's what so great with her she will put your happiness before hers, but she deserves to be happy as well, just as i was walking past Avery gave me this look like "I'm disappointed in you" all i could do was put my head down and hope things get better.


its like we are "back where we started":\

{PT 3 DONEEE 1045 words! doesn't sound like much but it is for me considering my chapters are small and detailed anwayssssss enjoy!!!

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