pt/1 who is bryce loski?

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it was Friday afternoon, y/n had just got back from hanging out with Avery carter you may be wondering who that is right? well that's y/n's best friend since kindergarten y/n had always looked up to Avery she was always so confident and stood up for what was right, y/n never did that stuff she was a lot of things kind, smart, beautiful inside and out but speaking her mind was definitely was not her thing. after y/n walked Avery home she hung out at her favourite place in the world it was a tree a sycamore tree to be exact, y/n always sat on the long branches of that tree it made her feel alive like all her sad emotions went away and she was filled with joy. just as she was coming home from her happy place she noticed her parents out the front talking to some new faces she had never seen before so of course she went to investigate.

y/n pov:

i had noticed my mother and father out the front speaking to some unfamiliar faces so i went over to see what was going on but just as i was about to go over there i was nearly ran over by a boy on a scooter he had apologised for nearly running me over of course but just before he skated off i got a look at him he was slightly taller then me he had beautiful blonde hair and brown dazzling eyes, once that had happened i decided to go inside cause i couldn't be bothered going over there.

Bryce pov: once dad, mum and i got to Michigan mum and dad started unpacking and suggested i go skate around the neighbourhood so that's what i did i skated around for a couple of minutes and i happened to skate past the massive tree and sitting in it i think i may have seen a figure of a girl around my age sitting on one of the branches hmmm. just as i was about to go back to my new home i saw my parents talking to new people, must be the neighbours i thought i was just about to meet them until i was stopped nearly crashing into some girl i quickly apologised and skated back home.

{back to story pov}

not long after y/n went inside to get ready for dinner her parents walked in y/n had asked what they were having and her mother Trina replied with "y/n dear we are having the Loski's over for dinner tonight so please be kind" "ok" y/n replied.

little did she know her life was about to change forever.

{DISCLAIMER} i am aware that the chapters/parts are small but I've decided that ill most likely be making them small but very detailed paragraphs:) so keep that in mind for future referance!

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