Chapter 1 - Meeting

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2nd Person POV

The beginning of summer in Portorosso, kids were out playing, having fun. But you were stuck indoors helping your mom make beaded bracelets for tourists. "Y/n what are you looking at?", your mom asked as she noticed you had been staring out the window for minutes on end. "Nothing! just.. the kids playing outside.", you said quietly. "You know what.. maybe you could use some sunlight how about you go out and get us some sea shells for the jewelry? hmm does that sound good?", your mom asked holding out a grey pail. "YES! Thank you mama!", you shouted and ran out the door with the pale in hand.

You felt free as you ran out in the warm summer heat, "Hi Romeo! Hi Armani! Hi Agatino! Hi Lucia!", you shouted out and waved at the children you had lived near all your life. "Hi Y/n!!", they waved back. You made it to the beach shore and let the waves crash into your feet, "aahhh", you sighed in relief. "Shells..shells..shells..oooh!", you picked up a small swirley shell only to be greeted by a baby hermit crab. "Sorry little guy", you laughed setting the hermit crab back down in the sand. "Yoo hooo! Hello you! The best shells are all the way down there!", you turned to see a boy you had never seen before, he looked about your age. He was taller than you but only by an inch or two, his hair was puffy and curly, his eyes were green, he wore a yellow tank top along with brown shorts. "How do you know?", you questioned, "Because I go there alll the ti- I've uhh seen people get good ones there hehe..", he responded and you furrowed your eyebrows. "Uhh Alberto Scorfano! What is your name estupido?!", he asked holding his hand out for you to shake. ".. Y/f/n", you responded shaking his hand and trying to hold back your laughter. You heard someone pulling in a boat from behind you and turned around to see a man you knew, Massimo that was Giulia's dad. "Hi Mr Marcovaldo!", you waved and ran over. "Hi Y/n how have you been?", "alright!", you responded . "You should come by for dinner tonight Giulia has been wondering where you've been", Massimo said, "Sure! I'll ask my mom!", you said excitedly and quickly ran back to your house.

"MAMA MAMA!!!", you ran in waving your arms like crazy. "What?! Did you find the shells?", she asked looking up from her workspace. "Uhh.. no. But even better Giulia's dad invited me over for dinner! Can I go please please pleaseee! The suns setting they are probably eating by now!", you set the empty pail down. "Hmm.. fine. But you must promise to come straight back home. No wandering the dark streets you hear me!", she said sternly. "Yes mama!", you yelled as you raced out the door.

You knocked your special knock, to alert Giulia you had arrived. 'dun duuunn dun dun dun'. "Papa? Is that?! Y/N?!", Giulia ran from her seat at the table and to the door. "Y/N!! We have so much to catch up on!", she shouted in excitement. "Yayyy! Sorry I haven't come to visit you since you arrived back from school i've been helping my mom with tourist gifts", "It's alright! Come in!", she said closing the door behind you. When you walked in you noticed the boy you had seen with Massimo earlier along with another boy. Both were seated on the table looking nervous. "Luca! Alberto! This is Y/n! My best friend! I'm sure you guys will get along great!", she smiled. "Ahh yes I met you!", Alberto smiled and Luca gave a small wave. You walked over to your seat at the table next to Alberto and sat down as Giulia began to talk about the man she hated most, Ercole. You grabbed the fork that was set down to your left and fidgeted with it in your hand as you listened to Giulia. "Whoops", you accidentally dropped it on the floor. You quickly went under the table to retrieve it and noticed Luca and Alberto holding hands. "Hey why are you guy-", you began to ask from under the table and Luca quickly let go. You decided to just drop the question and went back up to your seat.


Everyone finished their delicious pasta, with full tummies Giulia insisted you see something in her room. The three of you followed her upstairs. You sat back and watched Giulia show off her picture book of things she saw while on the train back from Genoa. "What's that?", Luca asked, pointing at a picture of the train. "Well that's a train it takes you from one place to another!", Giulia smiled. "Woahh I wanna ride one!", Luca exclaimed. You pet Giulia's cat while Luca and Giulia giggled and talked, you looked over and noticed the expression on Albertos face. "Uhh are you okay?", you asked and he looked over at you. "Yes.", he muttered. "You look upset.", you stated still stroking the cats fur. "I'm not upset! It's not like Luca now wants to go on trains with Giulia instead of traveling the world on a Vespa with me.", he stated. You looked over at Luca and Giulia to see if they heard but they were still embedded in conversation. "Have you and Luca been friends for a long time?", you asked trying to find a source for his obvious jealousy. "We met.. maybe a month or two ago.", he stated. "Oh not that long then.", "long enough to know him more than she does.", he crossed his arms across his chest as he glared at Giulia. "So where does the train take you?", Luca asked. "Genoa it's where I stay with my mom when I go to school!", "School?", "Yeah it's this place with tons of kids and teachers and they teach you all these amazing things!", "wowww school I wish I could go.", he frowned. "Maybe one day you can! I mean who's stopping you?", Giulia asked. With that Alberto stood up and walked out the room, "Hey Alberto where are you going?!", Luca called out but Alberto didn't even bother to turn around. "Uhh.. I'll be right back.", Luca said nervously and waved a bye to you and Giulia.

"Hmm I wonder what that was about?..", Giulia asked with a frown. "Yeah.. ", you trailed off. "Anyway.. I'll see you tomorrow! My mom is going out to the pier to sell jewelry so I have a free day!", you smiled and waved a bye before stepping out of Giulia's house. As you walked the dimly lit streets you heard what sounded like two voices arguing.. quietly? "I don't get why you're so upset what did I do wrong?", "Nothing.", "Then why are you mad?", "I am not!", "Yes you are!", "No I am not! Go away!", "See you are mad!", "Fine. I'm not anymore let's just.. go to bed.", you turned the corner quietly to see Alberto and Luca. You watched as they both crawled up Giulia's hideout spot on top of the old tree by her window. You decided to just go home, they could probably resolve the conflict on their own. Besides Alberto seemed to have calmed down.


"Alberto! Are you awake?", Luca whispered and sat up. "Yes.", Alberto said quietly sitting up beside him. Their shoulders brushing. "Are you still ma-", Luca was interrupted by Alberto putting his finger up to his lips. "Sh!", he said then went back to his previous position looking up at the stars. Luca looked up along with him. "The anchovies sleeping are so pretty.", Alberto said, this gave relief to Luca as he noticed the tension had seized between the two. "yeah.", Luca responded as he looked up. Alberto wrapped an arm around Luca, Lucas cheeks flushed a bright pink but it was almost invisible in the night sky. Luca felt so comfortable in Albertos arm, a feeling that felt confusing yet so warm he never wanted to be let go. "Well.. goodnight Luca!", Alberto said removing his arm and laying down to sleep. Luca frowned a bit in disappointment that the shared moment didn't last as long as he wanted, "Goodnight.", he whispered quietly and off to bed he went.

Silenzio Bruno | Luca X Alberto [COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt