Issue 19- War Machine

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Taken from Beast's Report to the Quiet Council - 'New Recruit'

I understand that my latest action has raised some questions, ones fleshed out with no small amount of cursing from Wolverine, and I certainly understand why. This is an entire back-flip from my previous stance on Darktruth, and one I know requires explaining.

'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer' is a tired cliche of a statement, yet it is one that still holds true. Darktruth is a risk, no matter what assurances can be made. He is difficult to control in any traditional sense, however, I may have found one way he can be wrangled. His attachment to Pixie is clearly his weakness, as I have noted before, and one that can be easily leveraged against him.

I am certain that if we maintain that staying in our good graces is the only way for him to continue to be close to her that he shall remain compliant. Then it is simply a matter of picking a target and pointing him towards it. Case in point; he views the continued existence of his Pretender self as a threat to his life with Pixie, and has so far been quite determined in assisting us in dealing with this situation.

I am quite certain we can replicate this as many times as needed, dangling the carrot before him as it were. However, I leave the ultimate decision on this to the Council. I only ask that you allow him to assist in taking down Pretender, as a show of what is possible.



"Why do we need to go to California for a plane?" asked Seren as they moved along the busy street, Pretender leading the way.

   "Well, dunno about you but I'm not so confident in my long-distance flying skills," he replied with a glance back over his shoulder. "So the shorter we can make it the better."

   "What? Where are we even going?"

   _Pretty sure I could fly better than the lot of ya._

   Pretender glared down at the toaster that now hung from his belt. "Just... somewhere."

   Seren's eyes narrowed upon him. "I don't remember you being this hard to get a simple answer out of. You got some kinda super-secret porn stash island or something?"

   He took a breath as he glanced around. "No, not quite. I just... don't wanna say too much until I know it's safe. Mutants are real good at finding out stuff you don't want them to. And I should know, I used to murder them."

   "Is father attempting to use humour to deflect from the shame of his past?" inquired ICARUS from the speaker.

   "Well, it's not exactly something I'm happy about."

   "Y'know it was mam who first told us about all that. Someone at school mentioned it and I stupidly brought it up when we got home. You just looked at me with this dark, sad look in your eyes and left the room. I thought I'd done something really bad, that you hated me. So mam sat us down and told us, or at least as much as she felt she should. I'll never forget the pain in her eyes."

   Pretender came to a sudden stop in the street as his hand rose to rub away the tears that formed in his eyes. "It's easy to forget how much you've hurt people when you keep trying to run away from it."

   Seren planted her hands upon her hips as her eyes beamed judgment at him. "You really forgot about all the people you murdered? How?"

   "Sister does ask a valid question."

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