Chapter 13

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"Something isn't right." 

Harry was surveying the room. You followed his lead. "Are we sure this guy didn't bolt? He is a sociopath. "

"Allen said he was last spotted here. Ramon is checking out his apartment while they follow the other leads. Just keep your eyes open. " You nod. Harry wasn't wrong to be careful. This guy had apparently killed a dozen people already. That was part of the reason you insisted on going with Harry. You didn't want him tackling this guy alone. In the event that he attacked, even if you got shot you'd stand a better chance. Harry's eyes drift over the papers spread across the desk, venturing deeper into the room, gun drawn. You paused at the desk, reading the information.

"Plaster, plywood, wax..." 

A few of the papers had a list of different items. It didn't make sense to you. Why was he rebuilding the room if he was about to go on the run. Picking up one of the sheets your eyes grew wide at what was on the document below. 

"Harry don't move!!" He spun around, and you flinched when you heard a click beneath his feet. He didn't dare move a muscle, you could practically hear your heart hammering. "He wasn't just trying to skip town, he wanted to cause as much destruction as possible. H-Harry the readings on the bomb, it's gonna take out this entire building."

"We fell right into his trap." Harry mumbled. You were still trying to figure out how to get through this.

"Think, think."

"Morales, Morales look at me!!" your head springs up, staring at Harry. There's a soft look in his eyes.

"NO! You aren't just gonna give up, you hear me, we figure this out. Barry went after him. I just need to call Cisco or Caitlin or.." you pull out your phone.

No service.


Harry just lets out a sigh. "He must have set up a jammer in the room. He planned this pretty well. " This would ensure that whoever got stuck here would not be able to call for help. By the time the police figured it out, it would be too late.

This couldn't be happening. You were cut off from your friends, and who knows how long you had until that thing went off. The beeping under his feet seemed to be getting louder.

"Switch places. " your eyes spark. "Harry we can switch places I can-" he raised his weapon, pointing it in your direction.

"I'm sorry, but you need to leave."


Harry reaches in his back pocket, and you're puzzled at the small metal capsule he pulls out. He rolls it between his fingers, a far away look on his face. "Ramon and I, we developed this. I was concerned at your need to put yourself in the line of danger. So we made prototypes that harness breaches. Once triggered, it teleports the individual to any desired location." His eyes hold so much that you can't get any words out of your mouth.

"You still have a lot to offer to this team. You'll be an incredible hero."

"Don't you dare!" Before you can take a step forward he throws the ball at your floor. You yell at the portal that appears right at your feet. You're falling, and your body smacks right into the floor. The blue ring disappears just as quickly.

"(Y/N)?" Iris is at the desk in the cortex, and the realization of what's just happened hits you like a train.

"I-Iris you need to get Barry now!!"

She doesn't question it, the urgency on your face is enough. Clicking on the coms, she phones him in.

"Barry somethings wrong!" you rush to her side, grabbing an earpiece.

"Barry he left a bomb and Harry's still there he's gonna die!!"

The loud rumble echoes in the background of his com. You stagger, taking a step back.

"BARRY!!" Iris screams. The fear has overtaken both of you.

The force of wind hits your back and you turn. Barry is standing there, with Harry at his side. The speedster is wearing a shaky smile. "We're okay." He assures. Harry's eyes drift to you immediately, and you swallow, right before you are rushing out of the room. Harry is quick on your tail, and Iris all but dives into Barry's arms.

"Never do that again." She demands. He returns it, rubbing her back.

"I'll try not to."


You needed to get out of there, gather your breath. When the explosion went off, you'd lost not just your composure, but it felt like your heart had literally been ripped out of your chest. You were still struggling to comprehend what just happened. Your brain was putting it all together. The biggest part was Harry was okay. He was alive.

"Morales." You did a full 360, turning to deliver a blow to his face. Harry dodges, but you don't stop, you keep firing punches and he evades every one of them. It's gotten to the point where you have his back to the wall. The last hit, he grabs your fist and spins around, pushing you to the wall with a glare.


"Bastard!!" you want to slap him, pummel him. Anything that would get rid of what you feel right now. He looked back, watching the way your eyes watered.

"Why the hell would you do that? I'm freaking almost invincible, I could have survived the bomb!!"

"That wasn't guaranteed."

"You selfish prick!" He knew how you felt about being abandoned, yet he was about to give up his life so readily. "What is it about me that people feel the need to put themselves in danger? W-Why am I the one that always gets left behind. I hate you Harry, I HATE YO-" The warmth of his lips stopped your insistent rant. Your anger is slowly dissipating. He pulls back slowly, gazing at you.

"I love you (Y/N), and I'd give my life to keep you safe."

Gaping, you just stare at him in shock.

He...loves you..

"Harry I...I.." your struggle is visible to him. He just runs his hands through your hair. 

"It's alright."

He figures as much. You aren't ready to say those words just yet. "I can wait for you." He whispers. You hold him, closing your eyes.

"Thank you." 

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