Chapter 11

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"(Y/N), come on the juicy details, please tell us." From the moment you entered the cortex they were drilling you. Caitlin sits expectantly. Dropping your head in your hands, they both realize that the outcome was not what they hoped. 

"Was it really that bad?" Iris feels awfully guilty now. "Iris I really don't think that..that he even sees me more than just a friend." It takes a lot for you to confess this. You've been hopeful until now, but at some point you need to face reality. Harry only sees you as the naive little hero that he has to keep in line. 

"(Y/N) trust me I'm sure he does see you as more. I've seen the way he-"

"That doesn't mean anything!" 

It's not her fault, you know that. But their little experiment has caused heartache at your expense. Now you feel further away then when you started, all because of that stupid movie night. The object of your affections walks in, and the silence that follows confuses him. If he didn't know any better he would have sworn you all were talking about him.

"I need to get something for Cisco." 

That's all you say as you walk away. Caitlin and Iris exchange a look. Harry moves closer to inquire on the strange behavior. He wasn't under the impression that he'd done anything wrong. You were fairly tense last night, but he wrote that off as you just being a little put off by the lack of company. He tried his best not to take it personal, but it was hard. He cared for you, more than he should. More than he was willing to admit to anyone.

"Is Morales alright?" 

Neither woman knew what to say. Iris felt bad as it was, she didn't want to do anything else that would damage your relationship. "She's fine. Just a rough day at work." Iris murmured. Caitlin caught on, advising Harry not to worry as they both left.

Harry wasn't the best at social cues, but he knew enough to pick up on whatever it was they all apparently thought he shouldn't know about.


Staying at STAR Labs was really working on your nerves, so you thought why not get a coffee while the city was not being attacked by some super villain. Standing in the line at Jitters, you finally approached the counter, giving your order.

The cashier smiled at you kindly, taking the order, readily making your drink. You stood leaned on the counter, awaiting your drink. The daydream of Harry just kept streaming over and over in your head. Being away from the lab was supposed to deter your infatuation, but nothing was helping.

How could you go in there everyday with the way you felt knowing he'd probably never return them. There were points where you thought maybe a spark ignited, but that fizzled fast. Harry was the slow to warm type. Once you got to the core, he was caring. It wasn't extended just for you. 

"Ms. Morales." your eyes lifted. The girl was standing with your drink in hand. 

"Oh! T-Thank you." reaching into your bag for your wallet, you're interrupted.

"I've got it." The male voice wasn't one you recognized. Turning, you were positive you had no idea who this was. He was holding a ten dollar bill for your beverage. "I-I'm sorry, I really can't accept that."

"I insist. You looked a bit occupied, figured I'd be a good samaritan and brighten your day." 

His emerald eyes twinkled, and you nodded shyly. You didn't want to be rude, especially since he was so handsome. Dirty blond hair, striking eyes, nice jawline and a pretty nice build. He had to be somewhere in his fifties at least. The cashier took the money and you smiled. "Keep the change," he advised. Thanking the male immensely, you step aside to allow another customer. 

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