Chapter 5

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"So there's multiple earths."


"And Harry is from that other earth."


"Not the psycho speedster that stole the Harrison Wells of this earth's body and killed your mother then tried to kill you so he could get back to his time."


"I need to stop drinking so much coffee in the morning." you decide. Barry just sits there, ready to answer any more questions you have. Your eyes are now firmly planted on the floor.

"I was there when it happened. When he..when my brother died. H-He killed him right in front of me." More than anything, Barry knows exactly what that's like. 

"I lost my mother the same way. She..she didn't deserve it. And at one point I tried to go back and save her but I..I couldn't." you finally look up. 

"I'd give anything to go back and save him. He was..the only family I had left."

The weight of that night would forever be engraved in your heart. Shortly after that, you discovered your abilities. No matter what you did, you couldn't stop yourself from wondering if you'd been able to protect him if your powers manifested sooner.

"We can't control what's already happened (Y/N). The reason I joined the CCPD was to find out who killed my mother. Even when I got the truth it didn't completely quell the pain. What does is the difference I make now. I help people now because I know how it feels to lose someone, and if I can prevent someone else from experiencing that pain, then I'm going to do the best that I can. Something tells me you started fighting for others for the same reason." Swallowing, you sigh. You needed time to think about it. Barry understood that.

"Whatever you decide, make sure it's what you think is right. " With one firm pat to your shoulder, he stands, walking out of the lab. You just sit there, unsure of what decision would be the right one. You you needed to help people. But could you stomach coming in everyday and seeing a man whose face brought back all the negative emotions you were trying so hard to keep buried.


"Kid, Morales!!" you turn, and Cliff looks pretty worried. "Oh sorry guess I zoned out again."

"You've been doing that a lot." Wiping the smudge from your cheek, you sit up. You weren't gonna get any work done like this.

"Go home."

"W-What I'm fine I just-"

"I said go home!" You freeze. Cliff is usually pretty understanding when it comes to things like this. So you don't get why he's suddenly mad at you. "I know for a fact you aren't okay, and I don't want you accidentally dropping a car on your leg or something. Come back when you get your stuff sorted out. " He takes the tool from your hand, gesturing you to leave. You're irritated, mainly because you know he's right. "I'm a quick healer, it probably wouldn't even hurt."

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" you hum.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. " With great reluctance you're grabbing your bag and leaving. You slam the door slightly and Cliff sends you a glare in which you just smile before running down the street.

Getting a safe distance away, you spot a coffee not too far away. Might as well get jacked on caffeine since you now have a lot of free time. It takes a while to get there. Opening the door you step in, relishing in the scent. The place is pretty packed, as you expect. So you go to the front to place your order. It doesn't take that long to get it either. 

Handing the cashier your money, you look for a spot to sit and enjoy your drink. There's a seat at the back, but there's a guy occupying it, a baseball cap on his head. You really don't want to disturb him, but the other seats are pretty much taken. You make your way over with a smile. "Hi, do you mind if I.." 

The second his head raises, you want to bite your tongue. Those blue eyes are almost chilling. He lowers his cup, a scowl on his face.

"Come to accuse me of another crime." 

You could understand his annoyance, it didn't mean he had to be a dick about it.

"Trust me if I knew you were here I would have made a sharp turn into a volcano."

This is the last place you want to be. It's wrong to be spiteful towards him, he's done nothing to you. But every time you look at him all you feel is the helplessness that night brings back. The front you try to put up changes to defeat. Of all the people you could have run into, why did it have to be him.

"Calm down." 

You aren't sure the reason for his instruction until you see the light that's slowly becoming visible down your arms. You drop into the seat, shoving your hands under the table. 


Your usual mantra is being repeated. Eyes tightly shut you try to focus on anything else to deviate the energy that's building up. Moments pass and it doesn't seem to be retracting the way it often does. Your eyes spring open, looking in your lap, the light is far brighter than before. 

Why isn't it working? You haven't mastered this area of your abilities and the first time you'd lost complete control you took out the side of a building. Luckily it was empty at the time, who knows how many people could have been hurt. You have to leave, you need to find an empty spot to release it. You're so caught in your little crisis that you barely process when Harry stands. Just as you rise to move out the seat, he slides in and your eyes nearly bulge out. 

"W-What the heck are you-" he takes your hands, which just adds to your fear.

"You have to relax, from the way you're panicking I assume your powers hold some type of explosive component."

You nod, frantic. "Y-Yes that's why I need to leave now!" you hiss.

"And how do you think these people will react if you go running out here arms glowing. " He still has a soft grip on your wrists.

"You have to lower your heart rate. Stop hyperventilating and breathe."

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one who's a walking canon." you whisper angrily.

Harry tightens his hold on you, effectively shutting you up. His stare is almost paralyzing, you feel like you've been robbed of oxygen. He shifts closer and now your back is pressed to the glass. This position is doing nothing to decrease the speed of your heart.

"Breathe." He instructs softly. Eyes connected, all you can really do is obey. Your chest rises and falls in rhythm with the breaths he's taking. "In and out, focus on me." you can't do much more than that when he has you caged like this. 

With each breath, you can feel the heat beneath your veins dissipate. Even when you no longer feel the heat, Harry keeps you braced on the wall. He hasn't made a move to create space. Now that you're not scared of blowing up Jitters, you register the warmth his palms emit. It travels all the way up to your spine. He has yet to look away. You want to say something, but you're not sure what words are appropriate in this situation.

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