Chapter 14 - The confession.

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Chapter 14 - The confession.


A place where your fate is ultimately decided. 

You can either be sent free, with probation and community service, or you can be sent to jail for years on end with no possible chance of parole.

Right now, that's what Jacob is facing.

After Justin had told me he confessed, I immediately tried to go see him. The only problem was that the paramedics wouldn't let me. Because of procedure, they had to take me all the way to the damn hospital, give me a million damn tests to make sure I wasn't injured 'eternally', even though I was fine on the out. And finally, they had to keep me over night.

I bet you can tell how frustrated I must have been.

I mean, if someone put their whole future on the line for you, wouldn't you want to do something? See them atleast? I felt so helpless in that fucking hospital room.

Jacob was in a jail cell because he didn't want Donnovan to get away with kidnapping me. I just didn't understand why he went to the cops. He knew his record, he knows what he did, so why involve the law?

He could have just rescued me himself. But then I realize how selfish that makes me. There were probably fifty guys, with guns, in that warehouse. He wouldn't have been able to do it by himself and I definitely did not want Justin involved.

I'm glad he was willing to sacrifice himself, but I can't help but think it was so .... stupid! The fucking idiot.

So here I sat, downtown, waiting for Jacob's trial. Justin was sitting next to me wincing in pain because of how tightly I was gripping his hand. I can't help it though, I'm nervous, anxious, and quite frankly, scared shitless.

"Baby, chill out." Justin whispered.

I gripped his hand tighter in response earning a groan from him. "I'm sorry, but this is just, I can't..." I could barel form a damn sentence, pitiful.

"It's fine. He has the best lawyers in this state." He smirked.

Of course he would say that, his lawyers were his parents. At first I was surprised when he suggested it and when he said they'd do it free of charge since Jacob was a "friend" of Justin. Considering the history with those two, I was a little reluctant.

But Justin assured me that whatever hate he had back then was gone ever since he saw the way he was worried about me when I was kidnapped and how he willingly put himself on the line to make sure I was safe.

That's when I realized I had the best boyfriend ever. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"All rise!" The baliff called out. "The City of New York versus Jacob Perez!"

We all stood as the judge came in. He was an old man, probably in his late forties. He was short and kind of chubby. He had a receding hairline with a bald spot to match. His face had a permanet scowl and that's when I knew this was not going to be an easy case to win.

* * * *

The judge had called a three hour recess so she could review the evidence or whatever judges do in the recesses. I was roaming the halls of the court house by myself while Justin went to go get us lunch.

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